Fedora Magazine Quick Downtime Sunday

Chris Roberts chris.roberts at croberts.org
Sat Aug 2 03:46:25 UTC 2014

Hi Everyone,

I am sending out an update since were getting 503 errors here and there and also since we are still getting the you are typing to fast error due to the load balancer. I am going to reapply that patch that got lost when the theme changed, clean up the database, and fix the rss feed button issue. After this change is applied, the instance has to be restarted for the changes to take affect. I also want to get this applied before Flock since we anticipate more traffic to the site. The site will be down no more than 10 minutes and will brought down in the early am (2-3 am)


Chris Roberts

Why: Clean up db, fix 503 errors and typing to fast, correct rss feed button, and update jetpack (requires a restart)
When: 2-3 AM EST Sunday 8-3-14
Who is affected: Everyone 
ETA on Downtime : 10-15 Minutes (Full backup of site incase something goes wrong)

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