FedMag: Covering GUADEC 2014

Joe Brockmeier jzb at redhat.com
Tue Jul 29 04:28:57 UTC 2014

On 07/28/2014 07:41 PM, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> I've saved another article from GUADEC as a draft. Please proof read and
> publish it.

Thanks again for this - I have proofed it, but found one bit I'm unclear on:

"The situation was very good early this year, but then they focused on
the income part and it became much better. Most of the expenses are on
employees and most of the income comes from the advisory board fees."

I *think* you mean "was not very good" but I don't want to assume.

Also -- maybe one more sentence on how the GNOME Foundation made the
financial situation better? Was that related to Karen leaving and not
having to pay an executive director, or...?

Once that's addressed, it's all good to go from my end. If you can
publish, please go ahead. If not, I can publish as soon as it's edited.

Thanks again!


Joe Brockmeier | Principal Cloud & Storage Analyst
jzb at redhat.com | http://community.redhat.com/
Twitter: @jzb  | http://dissociatedpress.net

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