[Social Media] Last call for FLOCK bids

Justin W. Flory jflory7 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 19:45:48 UTC 2015

On 12/04/2015 08:58 AM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> So the first "last call" was some time ago.  There are current bids as
> indicated in the article as well.  It seems disingenuous to send it
> out even further without giving folks an idea what the new bidders
> should be concentrating on that wasn't there in the previous bids.
> However, I don't want to put anyone on the spot.  Is there something
> we can highlight appropriately?  (This is probably a question for
> CommOps and the Flock team.)

My understanding about this article was that it was supposed to be a 
call for bids to bring to the drawing board. I believe both of the 
French locations had been ruled out due to budget constraints, and there 
is currently an (unfinished) proposal for Vienna. I know that some 
mentioned the possibility of doing a second year in the US.

Perhaps the article should be edited to make this clear? When I 
originally wrote it, I was trying to focus on just encouraging others to 
write more bids, but if it might be better to express the urgency of 
needing more bids, it might be good to fact check and then pop those in 
there, and then shoot it out on the channels.

This was why I thought it might be good to shoot out over social media 
channels - it seems like EMEA could use some more Flock bids if it will 
be held over there in 2016. I'm not sure when the actual deadline date 
is as of this moment.

Justin W. Flory
jflory7 at gmail.com

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