Fedora Security Lab draft

Joerg Simon jsimon at fedoraproject.org
Mon Dec 14 09:10:10 UTC 2015

Am 13.12.2015 um 23:46 schrieb Sylvia Sánchez:
> I think you should add more details like what every
> programme does 


cu Joerg
Joerg (kital) Simon
jsimon at fedoraproject.org
Key Fingerprint:
3691 0989 2DCA 58A2 8D1F 2CAC C823 558E 5B5B 5688

Call trans opt: received. 2-19-98 13:24:18 REC:Loc

     Trace program: running

           wake up, Neo...
        the matrix has you
      follow the white rabbit.

          knock, knock, Neo.

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