[Social Media] Fedora Magazine/Fedora Community Blog Updates?

Justin W. Flory jflory7 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 18:22:30 UTC 2015

On 12/17/2015 01:17 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> I'd like to see all the commblog stuff just go to @fedora. It all seems
> cromulent to me. It's not like we'd be throwing hundreds or even dozens
> of tweets per day.

My concern about that is that not all of the content that is on the 
Community Blog might be of interest to the followers of the main 
accounts / pages. For example, some of the Flock articles. They're 
definitely of interest to contributors, but everyday users who don't 
interact with the community that often but still like Fedora may not be 
interested. The resulting effect that I would be worried about would be 
that things that do interest users and contributors alike might be 
drowned out by other content.

Justin W. Flory
jflory7 at gmail.com

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