mingw32-SDL_image and mingw32-SDL_mixer

Jason Woofenden jason at jasonwoof.com
Thu Jun 18 21:07:18 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I'm pretty new to this packaging and cross-compiling, but I put
together a couple packages anyway:



They seem to work quite well for me, but I don't really know what I'm
doing, so I'd appreciate more knowledgeable folk looking over my spec

Here's what I did and where everything came from: (all in F11)

1) I set up my .rpmmacros so it would store sources in separate
directories by package name-version by adding this line:

%_sourcedir   %{_topdir}/SOURCES/%{name}-%{version}

I was worried that multiple source rpms would have files in them with
the same name (which turned out to be the case) and I wanted to make
sure I could tell what packages what files came from.

2) I used yumdownloader to download source rpms for SDL SDL_mixer
SDL_image and SDL and installed them in my local rpmbuild tree

3) I duplicated SOURCES/SDL_image-1.2.6/ to SOURCES/mingw32-SDL_image-1.2.6/

4) I copied SPECS/mingw32-SDL-1.2.13.spec to SPECS/mingw32-SDL_image-1.2.6.spec

5) I edited that new spec file, mostly by looking at existing
SDL_image-1.2.6.spec and pulling useful parts from it. tweaking as

And basically did the same for SDL_mixer.

Some notes:

I didn't modify anything in the SOURCES folder (just copied whole
folders as described above).

I used all the patches that were used for the native versions.

I commented out lines to install (and build in one case) little
executable programs from both packages that I didn't understand the
point of.

I've cross-compiled my game (vor) which uses both of these libraries,
and it works great under wine. (Gets at least 40% better framerate
under wine than it does when compiled for linux.) Though I have not
tested them on Windows.

I have a fedoraproject.org account (so I can edit the wiki and such)
but don't have any connections or access or anything to get these into
the fedora distrobution. If/when they are ready, I'd love someone to
take care of this, or help me do it. Right now I don't even know what
the process is.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts/feedback.

Take care,   - Jason

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