
Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Tue Jan 25 14:56:29 UTC 2011

Gilboa Davara schreef op di 25-01-2011 om 11:30 [+0200]:
> Hello all,
> I started testing the new cross compiler framework on a two of my Fedora
> 14 / x86_64 workstations.
> Two questions:
> 1. Any idea when wpcap will be build for mingw64? Can I somehow help?
> 2. Would it be possible to move pcap back into the normal include? It's
> currently sitting in include/wpcap making it impossible to build
> applications requiring wpcap without manually
> adding /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/wpcap to the gcc
> command line.
> Ideally, cross platform code should simply include pcap/pcap.h.


The package mingw32-pcap hasn't been ported yet to the new cross
compiler framework. I only ported the most important packages and
published a porting guide [1] to get things started. The porting guide
isn't entirely up to date anymore, but I'll try to update it later
tonight. Right now I'm preparing a new set of packages which uses the
latest GCC 4.6 snapshot and contains various other package updates.

It would be great if people are willing to help out with porting
packages. I can give people commit rights if necessary.

Your second question can better be directed to the package maintainer in
question (bugzilla?). The new i686-w64-mingw32 version uses the same
file locations as the current fedora mingw32-wpcap package so there
shouldn't be any differences between the two packages (other than the
'i686-pc' vs 'i686-w64' prefix). The only changes I applied in the
package are [2] and [3].


Erik van Pienbroek


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