How do I get mingw-w64 operational?

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Sat Jul 9 14:40:01 UTC 2011

Simson Garfinkel schreef op za 09-07-2011 om 07:01 [-0400]:
> Hi. I have a few "newbie" questions. I've been using mingw32 to cross-compile Windows apps from Linux. One of my users requests 64-bit binaries and I've been unable to get it to work.
> 1. Is there a repo that contains RPMs for mingw-w64 to allow me to use the cross-compiler under Fedora FC15? (or FC14?)  I have spent significant time on this, but only the 32-bit compilers get installed. Am I missing something obvious? Do I just need to compile from sources?  If so, is there documentation on how to do that?
> 2. Once I get it installed, what's the "--host=" option that I provide to configure scripts to make it produce 64-bit .exes?
> 3. What's the difference between amd64 and i586?
> Thanks!
> _______________________________________________ mingw mailing list mingw at


There is currently a testing repository available around which contains
packages for mingw32, mingw64 and darwinx. We're currently trying to get
the mingw32 and mingw64 packages merged back to Fedora, but it's
currently stalled due to legal issues. So if you want to build win64
binaries then you have to install packages from the testing repository.
More details about this repository and installation instructies can be
found at
More information about this repository can also be found in the archives
of this mailing list.

Once you have the repository configured you can install all win64
packages you need for your project using yum (all win64 packages have
the prefix 'mingw64-').

With this set of packages you can also use scripts like
mingw64-configure to get your package built for win64.

The amd64 and i586 are names of architectures. In the Fedora world,
these names aren't used. For both native as cross-compiled applications
we use the architectures x86_64 and i686. The architectures i586/i686
are 32bit targets and the architectures amd64/x86_64 are 64bit targets.

Kind regards,

Erik van Pienbroek

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