[Fedora-music-list] comaintainers needed

David Sommerseth davids at redhat.com
Mon Aug 16 08:39:40 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 15/08/10 10:25, David Timms wrote:
> On 15/08/10 05:30, Orcan Ogetbil wrote:
>> Moreover I would like to have a MIDI oriented comaintainer for my MIDI
>> oriented packages. While I have a decent knowledge about MIDI, the
> I'm hoping to control/read a Yamaha student level keyboard that has a
> midi interface.
> Does any one have particular model numbers of a hardware USBII to MIDI
> interface that either already works with Fedora or has workarounds to
> get it going ?

I'm have a Yamaha Motif XS and that pops up as 4 individual MIDI
interfaces (internal keyboard/tone generator, external MIDI ports on the
XS, sequencer control and remote control feature) immediately when
connecting via USB.

I've tried to connect a Yamaha PSR keyboard once with USB (just for fun)
- - Don't recall exactly which model, could have beenm PSR-E413.  Anyway,
that *does not* work with MIDI, at least out of the box.

However, I'd expect most keyboards being more "high-end" will have the
proper USB MIDI interface built in and it should be detected rather
quickly.  I'd expect all Motif's (even older ones), MO/MM's and S90's to
have this support - but you'd have to try it to be sure.  I can only
confirm Motif XS works.  If an alternative could be a pure MIDI
controller (without built-in sounds), Yamaha KX might also be an

Unfortunately, the ALSA Yamaha page is not very updated:


Of course, you got Roland, Alesis, Clavia/Nord, Akai and M-Audio as
well, to mention a few.  But my experience is that Yamaha do have its
own edge on the sounds, which sounds a lot better in my ears.

If possible, I'd bring a Linux laptop to a music dealer and asked to try
a few keyboards with your computer, to see if it works or not.  You
should be able to do 'cat /dev/midi??' and see some garbage popping out
to your console when playing the keys.  If that works, it should be
pretty much supported.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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