[Fedora-music-list] [PlanetCCRMA] Music Spin

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Fri Jul 30 21:20:49 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 03:01:20PM -0400, Christopher Antila wrote:
> Maybe I'm way off-base here, and certainly I'm still very new to Fedora
> and the Audio Creation SIG, but a dedicated spin seems like something
> that you can't just sort of do.  We'd have to be at the level of these:
> http://spins.fedoraproject.org/

I will point out that a Fedora Remix is a great way to get an alpha of
what would become a formal spin:


"Fedora Remix" is something you can call a product regardless of
what's in it, essentially.  There is a remix of Fedora called 'Omega
Linux' that is essentially Fedora+patent encumbered bits.

So, one or a few people could put together e.g. "Planet CCRMA Live, a
Fedora Remix" by this weekend that does exactly what you say right now
- JACK as default, realtime kernel, patent encumbered bits easy to
access (such as a how to in the installation guide for it that says
what rpmfusion.org packages to install.)  Heck, you could use the
Fedora Installation Guide (or the quickstart version), rebrand it, and
add in all the parts that you need for this remix.

Aside from having a cool remix of Fedora, what would you have?

* A proof point.  People could see right now what you are talking
  about, and start talking about how things can be done in Fedora to
  get equivalent functionality.  For example, people may need
  convincing that you have the chops as a SIG to maintain an alternate
  kernel; prove it by supporting a remix for a few releases.

* A short-term solution to get the best FOSS audio software out in
  people's hands.

* Training grounds.  There is some heavy lifting to be done for a
  spin, as you point out, and a remix is a legitimate way for people
  to learn the same sets of skills needed for a formal spin.  In
  particular I suspect getting more packagers trained and committed
  will benefit from real people holding a real CD and thinking, "Wow,
  how can I help make this better?"

* Something we can give out to start growing the interest.  I'll
  commit to burning a spool of a Fedora audio remix to carry around
  and hand out. Maybe someone will design a cool CD sleeve I can print
  and glue.  All of this interest requires an actual ISO to burn, and
  I know I'm not doing it myself.

* Makes a nice addition to an original "Fedora Musician's Guide" (or a
  rebranded version of that to include all the how-to-get-MP3-support
  bits.) ;-)

- Karsten
name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
uri:               http://TheOpenSourceWay.org/wiki
gpg:                                       AD0E0C41
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