[Fedora-music-list] Looking to get involved

adam at linkedlistcorruption.com adam at linkedlistcorruption.com
Wed Apr 27 22:29:28 UTC 2011

The single biggest thing that Fedora needs is a realtime kernel in the base repo. All the music packages in the world wont matter if running JACK at lowest latency requires building your own kernel. When I use Fedora for audio that's what I have to do - build my own kernel from upstream source.

Building the real time kernel is the easy part. Navigating the Fedora project's labyrinthine structure and packaging requirements are the hard part.

If you know anything about RPM packaging and/or getting packages into Fedora I would highly encourage you to look into this. Fedora has plenty of nice packages, but it has no kernel capable of running them at ultra low latency. I will do anything I can to help you. Without an easy to install realtime kernel built from upstream (not a patched version of the Fedora kernel) I can't recommend Fedora to people for audio work. If Fedora did have a realtime kernel in the base repos it would make it one of the most attractive distros for audio work.


-----Original Message-----
From: "David Timms" <dtimms at iinet.net.au>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 5:54pm
To: music at lists.fedoraproject.org
Subject: Re: [Fedora-music-list] Looking to get involved

On 28/04/11 00:08, William Blackburn wrote:
> What could I do to help out?
1. Testing of new or updated packages:
eg: audacity - building at the moment for f14,15, available for rawhide:

Specifically, note which functions of the app you have taken for a spin, 
and had success with. This makes it easier for others to try something 
that you haven't.

2. take a CCRMA (or other upstream application) package, update to 
fedora guidelines and current version, and submit for fedora review:

Choose especially apps that you might actually use, since you will be 
long term primary maintainer.

3. work on Music Spin
see the discussion section for an initial review, and hence work to be done.

4. As a group, we probably also need a goals list. The wiki is a good 
place to put ideas, and a bit of mail list or IRC discussion could help 
to determine priorities, and be able to indicate that you would like to 
work on a specific item.

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