[Fedora-music-list] Moving some CCRMA packages into Fedora

Brendan Jones brendan.jones.it at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 16:55:22 UTC 2012

Hi all,

as mentioned before, if there is ever going to be some kind of audio
spin, we need to move some of the most common used CCRMA packages into
Fedora - that should free up Fernando to keep working on the rt kernel ;)

I've started on some of the smaller ones - if some of the developers
would like to review swap please do! I'll keep adding to the list as I 
knock some off. If anyone wants to maintain/co-maintain please feel free.

I'm also trying to package the new LV2 stack to make sure we are in a
position to package all the new plugins that are coming out.

788718 clalsadrv - An ALSA driver C++ library (most of the following 
depend on this one)
789255 ebumeter  - Loudness measurement according to
789251 jmeters   - Multichannel audio level meter
789249 jkmeter   - Horizontal or vertical bar-graph audio
                    levels meter
789240 freqtweak - Realtime audio frequency spectral
789059 jaaa      - JACK and ALSA Audio Analyzer
789055 japa      - JACK and ALSA Perceptual Analyser
789385 ambdec    - an ambiosonics decoder
789390 aeolus    - aeolus organ synthesizer
789391 aeolus-stops - aeolus presets

788717 lv2-ir    - An LV2 impulse response reverb plugin
784605 lv2-instance-access
		 - An LV2 audio plug-in extension (part of the spec)
783825 suil      - A lightweight C library for loading and wrapping
                    LV2 plugin UIs
789386 lilv      - An LV2 Resource Description Framework Library

My packages awaiting review can be found here [1]




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