[Fedora-music-list] Default Desktop Environment

Orcan Ogetbil oget.fedora at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 16:05:31 UTC 2012

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Brendan Jones wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been thinking about what kind desktop environment would best suit the
> needs of audio users.
> Since the Gnome 3 release I've kind of abandoned GNOME as it doesn't really
> quite gel with my workflow. Since then I've been hovering over KDE/XFCE, but
> the latest mongrel openbox (mixture of xfce4/qt-razor) setup I'm using now
> seems to be winning.
> The qt razor project seems really exciting [1] - I've found the components
> to be really quite mature but alas a little sparse. Razor is not in the
> repos yet but there is talk of including it and it is under heavy
> development [2]. I'm wondering if razor could be used as the default desktop
> for an audio spin? If the desktop team ever decide to endorse a Razor spin
> we could leverage off their efforts as well.
> Jus thinking aloud - let me know what you think
> Brendan
> [1]
> http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home://TI_Eugene://QtDesktop/Fedora_16/
> [2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Razor-qt_Spin

Experience says, desktop environment (DE) and text editor preference
discussions can easily shift into religious debates. Frankly I haven't
tried Gnome3, but I always found Gnome2 so counter-intuitive that I
doubt I will ever bother installing Gnome3.

I have a very subjective tendency towards using Qt based environments,
perhaps because I code in Qt. I will take a look at what you proposed,
as it seems interesting.

On the other hand, I have a feeling that whoever spends the most
effort to build the spin, gets the choose the default DE. At least
this is the way things usually go in the free software world.


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