[Fedora-music-list] Default Desktop Environment

David Sommerseth davids at redhat.com
Tue Feb 14 19:36:29 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 11/02/12 16:15, Brendan Jones wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been thinking about what kind desktop environment would best suit
> the needs of audio users.
> Since the Gnome 3 release I've kind of abandoned GNOME as it doesn't
> really quite gel with my workflow. Since then I've been hovering over
> KDE/XFCE, but the latest mongrel openbox (mixture of xfce4/qt-razor)
> setup I'm using now seems to be winning.
> The qt razor project seems really exciting [1] - I've found the
> components to be really quite mature but alas a little sparse. Razor
> is not in the repos yet but there is talk of including it and it is
> under heavy development [2]. I'm wondering if razor could be used as
> the default desktop for an audio spin? If the desktop team ever decide
> to endorse a Razor spin we could leverage off their efforts as well.
> Jus thinking aloud - let me know what you think

In my eyes, Cinnamon looks like a good alternative.  Gives you GNOME3 +
(in my view) a more sane DE suitable for a laptop.  But I don't know how
lightweight it is.  That would also be a criteria for me, though.

However, what looks more eye-candyish, often seems to get more attention
by creative users.  And music is about creativity, isn't it? :)


Kind regards,

David Sommerseth
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