[Fedora-music-list] Call to arms - Fedora Audio Spin

Kyrian kyrian at ore.org
Tue Feb 21 20:07:47 UTC 2012

Just been taking a metaphorical chainsaw to my inbox and got through to 
the Fedora Music list at long last.

I've packaged up some bits and bobs and assisted with Fedora myself, for 
better or for worse. Anyway, this thread makes me think a couple of 
things that I'd like to throw in for the masses (nor not, as the case 
may be) to chew over.

- Couldn't this lot be done as a yum 'Group' or several? With that then 
incorporated into the standard installer environment?

- Then I think, ah, wrong kernel, and pulseaudio? But that could be 
grouped too, no? Have, say, Jack and have it conflict with pulseaudio 

- Then it all sounds a bit complicated, and I can't help think that 
maybe a respin is a valid and sane way forward.

- But still, it might be nice to give the non-pro users a leg-up to that 
sort of stuff with package groups in Yum anyway? Surely you don't need 
an RT kernel unless you're really hammering at the audio?

- Having better documentation would be really good, and I've noted the 
"Musicians Guide" on my travels, which I fully intend to real real soon 

- Every person who's into pro audio that I mention about Linux audio 
says "ah, but will it accomodate my XYZ plugins/filters from a.n.other 
windows app"? As far as I know the answer is usually "yes", but I hope 
that's documented in wherever the docs are.

I'll gladly put in such time as I can find to make this happen, and if 
necessary to get it documented as well, because I want to start using 
all my kit properly through Linux, with the minimum of fuss (there was a 
lot of fuss the last time I had a go, in spite of PlanetCCRMA and 
other's best efforts...), help other people at the same time, but 
perhaps mainly, get some distractions from my day job which involves 
Linux too.

Another thing it would be nice to have is a way to use my laptop running 
Linux for dj-ing if I'm feeling extremely lazy on a given night (I'm not 
a laptop DJ when I do so, but others are, and, hell, CD's are heavy, 
physically as well as at times musically), but I could not find a 
suitable app for that. Rhythmbox has a cross-fade feature, but it's a 
bit "brute force" and not very nuanced.

If this helps, or provokes discussion in any way, then that's great, and 
if someone can help me with any of the above questions, that's perhaps 
even better.


Kev "Kyrian" Green.

Kev "Kyrian" Green.                        WWW: http://kyrian.ore.org/
Linux Security + Hosting + Admin/LAMP Coder @ http://www.orenet.co.uk/

      When I spit in the eye of the gods, then I will smile

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