[Fedora-music-list] Call to arms - Fedora Audio Spin

Philip Rhoades phil at pricom.com.au
Wed Feb 22 09:05:12 UTC 2012


On 2012-02-22 17:00, Christopher R. Antila wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 02/21/2012 03:51 PM, Brendan Jones wrote:
>> On 02/21/2012 09:07 PM, Kyrian wrote:
>>> ...
>>> - Then I think, ah, wrong kernel, and pulseaudio? But that could
>>> be grouped too, no? Have, say, Jack and have it conflict with
>>> pulseaudio somehow?
>> Pulseaudio is proving to be a pain. Its now an implicit dependency
>> of the default desktop (GNOME) which is unfortunate. Having said
>> all that, I think its a great piece of software, but creates
>> unnecessary complications when all you want to do is
>> create/produce and edit music. There are some applications which
>> refuse to play with anything else now (skype anyone?) that mean
>> people like me have no choice but to coexist with it. I'm still not
>> happy with my setup - other users on this list have also posted
>> their solutions [2]. I think we should aim to ship a
>> pulseaudio-less solution. This means we need to decide on a desktop
>> that's not Gnome - of course that won't make everyone happy, but if
>> we have the comps group like you suggest, those gnome users can
>> still pull in the audio packages with ease.
> Something about this seems off.
> I remember when it used to be the case that audio cards generally
> wouldn't work by default in Linux. Slowly, eventually, PulseAudio
> solved that. If we remove PulseAudio, we're forcing our users to "go
> it alone." Now, I understand that PulseAudio isn't ideal for audio
> creation software--that's why it uses JACK--but we don't want to 
> throw
> away everything that PulseAudio gained. And surely we want to allow
> people to use GNOME if they want. And Skype. Otherwise we risk 
> running
> into a situation where people enjoy using the Fedora Audio Spin for
> audio-creation tasks, but can't stand it for anything else.

That hasn't been my experience - after much pain over the last few 
years with audio,  the first thing I do is remove PA and just use ALSA . 
. but I am an audio guru wannabe . .


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW	2001
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au

Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW	2001
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au

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