[Fedora-music-list] Summary of the meeting 25.06

Jørn Lomax northlomax at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 11:35:20 UTC 2012

The minutes are now up[1]

The main decisions that were made are the following:

1. Move the submission date to the 5th of July to give us some extra 
time (the calendar has also been updated to reflect this)

2. The Primary software list will be completed this week. Keep the 
discussion going on what we want and don't want in there. I will have 
the draft ready before the weekend and share it too the list, and then 
we decide on it next week.

3. The desktop environment will be KDE, unless someone comes with a 
compelling argument to use something else.

As always, if there are any questions, don't hesitate to drop me an email

Jørn Lomax
GSoC atudent, Fedora audio Spin
CS Student University of Tromsø

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