[Fedora-music-list] Where is the kickstart file for the audio spin?

Jørn Lomax northlomax at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 17:05:11 UTC 2012

On 03/09/2012 18:58, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
> 1. Impro-Visor is hand-built by its main developer using NetBeans. I'm
> on their mailing list (Yahoo groups) and I'll ask what's required to
> get an automated build process. It's a Java app, and it seems to work
> just fine with OpenJDK, unlike other Java apps, but I don't know if
> that applies to building it. Making a source RPM and build process for
> Impro-Visor looks like a fair amount of work, and I'm not a Java build
> expert. The source is a ZIP file with no build structure (ant, maven,
> etc.) at all, just Java code and other text files.

That would be great. If there was an easy way to make it build, it would 
be really easy to package it

> 2. IanniX is a Qt app - the "standard" way to build it is to open the
> supplied project file with Qt Creator and press the "build" button.
> I'm pretty sure there's an easy CMake process for building it, but I
> haven't tried anything except the Qt Creator process, which worked but
> threw a bunch of warnings.

I was able to do it from within Qt Creator, but that doesn't really help 
when packaging :p I tried using qmake, but no luck. Usually I'm lost 
compiling apps unless it's with GNU make ar as a python setup script so 
I'm not the best person to be trying this
> 3. athenaCL is another package I'm interested in having. It's Python;
> again, I'm not a Python build expert but it looks straightforward to
> package.

Python apps are fairly straight forward, shouldn't be a problem to package

> 4. I managed to get abrt to deal with one of the crashes (in LASH) and
> it turns out this one is already in Bugzilla:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=843085. I suspect the
> other ones are as well.

Jørn Lomax
GSoC Fedora Audio
CS Student University of Tromsø

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