[Fedora-music-list] [mup-users] Beta release of Mup 6.1 (fwd)

Martin Tarenskeen m.tarenskeen at zonnet.nl
Fri Jan 25 07:38:41 UTC 2013


I am forwarding this message to the Fedora music group.
Not very long ago Arkkra Enterprises decided to make MUP a free and open 
source project. (Until now you had to pay for a licence)

If we compare Mup to Lilypond (I use both): Lilypond is more powerful, 
tweakable, and flexible. Mup is much faster, takes less diskspace, and the 
user manual has less pages. Both are capable of producing professional 
looking scores.

And for the sake of freedom of choice it would be nice if also MUP could 
be part of Fedora.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 21:39:47 -0600 (CST)
From: Arkkra Enterprises <support at arkkra.com>
Reply-To: mup-users at arkkra.com
To: mup-users at arkkra.com
Subject: Re: [mup-users] Beta release of Mup 6.1

Regarding Fedora:

We are hoping to get Mup included in Linux distributions, so
definitely Fedora is of interest. There are a lot of distributions
out there, and each seems to have its own procedures and rules,
which can take a while to learn. So we'd appreciate help or suggestions
from people who have some experience with any distributions,
like Fedora. The mup.spec file we use to generate the rpm packages
that we provide is in the source package in the "extras" directory,
so that should be a good place to start.

We chose to have that build Mup with static libraries,
so that it should possible to run it on almost any Linux--
even an extremely old version--without depending
on a particular libc version, but for Fedora
or any specific distribution, it should, of course, use the standard
dynamic library version for that release. There are probably
other guidelines that Fedora or other distributions requires
that we have not yet had time to research, but someone else already knows.

So if you make changes to be more compatible, please send us the changes.
While we won't promise to pick up every patch anyone provides,
we can at least look at folding it or something similar
into some future release. And if someone is already familiar with
the intricacies of getting a package into some distribution
such as Fedora, and is willing to help guide Mup through that process,
that could be very helpful. Just let us know, so we can help avoid
any unnecessary duplication of effort.

 			Bill and John		support at arkkra.com
 			Arkkra Enterprises	http://www.arkkra.com

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