Fedora 7 Update: bzr-0.91-1.fc7

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Mon Oct 8 15:00:41 UTC 2007

Fedora Update Notification
2007-10-08 15:00:38.233508

Name        : bzr
Product     : Fedora 7
Version     : 0.91
Release     : 1.fc7
URL         : http://www.bazaar-vcs.org/
Summary     : Friendly distributed version control system
Description :
Bazaar is a distributed revision control system that is powerful, friendly,
and scalable.  It is the successor of Baz-1.x which, in turn, was
a user-friendly reimplementation of GNU Arch.

Update Information:

Fixes problem when using bzr+ssh to branch from a repository that uses tags.

* Tue Aug 28 2007 Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com> - 0.91-1
- Update to 0.91.
  + Fixes some issues with using tag-enabled branches.
* Tue Aug 28 2007 Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com> - 0.90-1
- Update to 0.90
* Mon Aug 27 2007 Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at gmail.com> - 0.90-0.1.rc1
- Update to 0.90rc1.
- 0.90 contains some pyrex code to speed things up.  bzr is now arch specific.
- Update license tag.
* Wed Jul 25 2007 Warren Togami <wtogami at redhat.com> - 0.18-1
- Update to 0.18.
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Warren Togami <wtogami at redhat.com>  - 0.17-2
- Update to 0.17.
* Tue May  8 2007 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio at tiki-lounge.com> - 0.16-1
- Update to 0.16.
Updated packages:

8e1eeb909bc52712b3b16798527118a5d4248075 bzr-0.91-1.fc7.ppc64.rpm
c3ca0f49edf9121d8a9c3f0c1b4543d1a0e89abe bzr-debuginfo-0.91-1.fc7.ppc64.rpm
b78cdf20310b577da0cd302b2bcac48cb7ae3c66 bzr-0.91-1.fc7.i386.rpm
937c844576e3a7f6627c413c35b24abba8f25ee7 bzr-debuginfo-0.91-1.fc7.i386.rpm
770c05ebb4e07b99d43a25846c0f342b83b3c2b6 bzr-debuginfo-0.91-1.fc7.x86_64.rpm
656bc56abd69cc8b5320153f7f7a3ee910f5befa bzr-0.91-1.fc7.x86_64.rpm
4b13d79eecd4835fbf97c8d7e4f0b63297a79bbd bzr-debuginfo-0.91-1.fc7.ppc.rpm
002dfe144134007c8acdaf2e7870780386f74550 bzr-0.91-1.fc7.ppc.rpm
6c416a3ea4ec62f1fa5594ffbcfd8b95e2909f97 bzr-0.91-1.fc7.src.rpm

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update bzr' 
at the command line.  For more information, refer to "Managing Software
with yum", available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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