Fedora 7 Update: rpmdevtools-6.4-0.1.fc7

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Thu Jan 3 01:48:42 UTC 2008

Fedora Update Notification
2008-01-03 01:08:52

Name        : rpmdevtools
Product     : Fedora 7
Version     : 6.4
Release     : 0.1.fc7
URL         : http://fedoraproject.org/
Summary     : RPM Development Tools
Description :
This package contains scripts and (X)Emacs support files to aid in
development of RPM packages.
rpmdev-setuptree    Create RPM build tree within user's home directory
rpmdev-diff         Diff contents of two archives
rpmdev-newspec      Creates new .spec from template
rpmdev-rmdevelrpms  Find (and optionally remove) "development" RPMs
rpmdev-checksig     Check package signatures using alternate RPM keyring
rpminfo             Print information about executables and libraries
rpmdev-md5          Display the md5sum of all files in an RPM
rpmdev-vercmp       RPM version comparison checker
spectool            Expand and download sources and patches in specfiles
rpmdev-wipetree     Erase all files within dirs created by rpmdev-setuptree
rpmdev-extract      Extract various archives, "tar xvf" style
...and many more.

Update Information:

Update to 6.4:
- Fix paths in qa-robot tools (#361831, Lubomir Kundrak).
- Sync deps with Fedora's new "assumed present in buildroots" packages list.
- Init script template cleanups.
- Update rpminfo to version 2004-07-07-02.


  [ 1 ] Bug #361831 - Tools do not work due to /usr/local paths
Updated packages:

5090defe45ee85fc83b0b14868a26b8dc496debe rpmdevtools-6.4-0.1.fc7.noarch.rpm
fe7b0da5ec90c1d13b43466f6e68cec57ba5b7c7 rpmdevtools-6.4-0.1.fc7.src.rpm

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update rpmdevtools' 
at the command line.  For more information, refer to "Managing Software
with yum", available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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