Fedora 12 Update: kde-settings-4.3-15.1

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Mon Dec 28 20:10:35 UTC 2009

Fedora Update Notification
2009-12-18 03:15:30

Name        : kde-settings
Product     : Fedora 12
Version     : 4.3
Release     : 15.1
URL         : http://fedorahosted.org/kde-settings
Summary     : Config files for kde
Description :
Config files for kde.

Update Information:

This month's edition of KDE SC is a bugfix and translation update to KDE SC 4.3.
KDE SC 4.3.4 is a recommended upgrade for everyone running KDE 4.3.3 or earlier
versions.    KDE SC 4.3.4 has a number of improvements:  * A bugfix in Plasma's
pixmap cache makes the workspace more responsive  * Okular, the document viewer
improved stability in certain situations  * Marble, the desktop globe has seen
some polish  * Passphrases with non-ASCII characters have been fixed in the KGpg
encryption tool    These builds also include:  * an improved phonon stack with
better pulseaudio integration, borrowing on the work done by Mandriva.  * better
plymouth/kdm transitioning      See also:

* Thu Dec  3 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> 4.3-15.1
- -pulseaudio: drop Req: xine-lib-pulseaudio (handled elsewhere)
* Tue Dec  1 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> 4.3-15
- kdmrc: ServerArgsLocal=-nr , for better transition from plymouth
* Tue Dec  1 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> 4.3-14
- kdmrc: revert to ServerVTs=-1 (#475890)
* Sun Nov 29 2009 Rex Dieter <rdieter at fedoraproject.org> 4.3-13
- {defaults,mimeapps}.list: application/x-bittorrent=kde4-ktorrent.desktop;kde4-kget.desktop;
* Sun Nov 29 2009 Kevin Kofler <Kevin at tigcc.ticalc.org> 4.3-12.1
- -pulseaudio: Requires: xine-lib-pulseaudio

  [ 1 ] Bug #475890 - KDM is set to use tty1 even if there's already a console on it
  [ 2 ] Bug #531211 - [all_langs]: Lokalize does not render indic characters properly
  [ 3 ] Bug #540433 - KPPP is unable to add DNS entries to /etc/resolv.conf
  [ 4 ] Bug #545258 - hal-0.5.14-1 and failures with brightness controls

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update kde-settings' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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