Fedora 13 Update: festival-freebsoft-utils-0.10-1.fc13

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Fri Oct 8 20:37:54 UTC 2010

Fedora Update Notification
2010-09-30 10:02:51

Name        : festival-freebsoft-utils
Product     : Fedora 13
Version     : 0.10
Release     : 1.fc13
URL         : http://www.freebsoft.org/festival-freebsoft-utils
Summary     : A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features
Description :
A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features. They
provide all that is needed for interaction with Speech Dispatcher.

Key festival-freebsoft-utils features are:
- Generalized concept of input events. festival-freebsoft-utils allows not only
  plain text synthesis, but also combining it with sounds. Additionally,
  mechanism of logical events mapped to other events is provided.
- Substitution of events for given words.
- High-level voice selection mechanism and setting of basic prosodic parameters.
- Spelling mode.
- Capital letter signalization.
- Punctuation modes, for explicit reading or not reading punctuation characters.
- Incremental synthesis of texts and events.
- Speech Dispatcher support.
- Rudimentary SSML support.
- Enhance the Festival extension language with functions commonly used in Lisp.
- Support for wrapping already defined Festival functions by your own code.
- Everything is written in the extension language, no patching of the Festival
  C++ sources is needed.



  [ 1 ] Bug #628524 - Review Request: festival-freebsoft-utils - A collection of utilities that enhance Festival with some useful features
  [ 2 ] Bug #484577 - missing speech-dispatcher.scm

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update festival-freebsoft-utils' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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