Fedora 16 Update: mom-0.2.1-5.fc16

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Sat Nov 5 01:30:13 UTC 2011

Fedora Update Notification
2011-10-25 21:40:52

Name        : mom
Product     : Fedora 16
Version     : 0.2.1
Release     : 5.fc16
URL         : http://wiki.github.com/aglitke/mom
Summary     : Dynamically manage system resources on virtualization hosts
Description :
MOM is a policy-driven tool that can be used to manage overcommitment on KVM
hosts. Using libvirt, MOM keeps track of active virtual machines on a host.=
a regular collection interval, data is gathered about the host and guests. =
can come from multiple sources (eg. the /proc interface, libvirt API calls,=
client program connected to a guest, etc). Once collected, the data is
organized for use by the policy evaluation engine. When started, MOM accept=
s a
user-supplied overcommitment policy. This policy is regularly evaluated usi=
the latest collected data. In response to certain conditions, the policy may
trigger reconfiguration of the system=E2=80=99s overcommitment mechanisms. =
MOM supports control of memory ballooning and KSM but the architecture is
designed to accommodate new mechanisms such as cgroups.

Update Information:

MOM is a policy-driven tool that can be used to manage overcommitment on KV=
M hosts. Using libvirt, MOM keeps track of active virtual machines on a hos=
t. At a regular collection interval, data is gathered about the host and gu=
ests. Data can come from multiple sources (eg. the /proc interface, libvirt=
 API calls, a client program connected to a guest, etc). Once collected, th=
e data is organized for use by the policy evaluation engine. When started, =
MOM accepts a user-supplied overcommitment policy. This policy is regularly=
 evaluated using the latest collected data. In response to certain conditio=
ns, the policy may trigger reconfiguration of the system=E2=80=99s overcomm=
itment mechanisms. Currently MOM supports control of memory ballooning and =
KSM but the architecture is designed to accommodate new mechanisms such as =

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use =

su -c 'yum update mom' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on t=
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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