Fedora 17 Update: guacamole-ext-0.6.0-5.fc17

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Tue Jun 12 00:27:58 UTC 2012

Fedora Update Notification
2012-06-01 16:18:52

Name        : guacamole-ext
Product     : Fedora 17
Version     : 0.6.0
Release     : 5.fc17
URL         : http://guac-dev.org/
Summary     : Common interfaces for extending the main Guacamole web application
Description :
Guacamole is an HTML5 web application that provides access to desktop
environments using remote desktop protocols such as VNC or RDP. A centralized
server acts as a tunnel and proxy, allowing access to multiple desktops through
a web browser. No plugins are needed: the client requires nothing more than a
web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX.

guacamole-ext is a Java library used by the Guacamole web application to allow
its built-in functionality, such as authentication, to be extended or modified.
guacamole-ext provides an interface for retrieving a set of authorized
connection configurations for a given set of arbitrary credentials. Classes
implementing this interface can be referenced in guacamole.properties to allow
different authentication mechanisms (such as LDAP or SSL client authentication)
to be used.

Update Information:

Common interfaces for extending the main Guacamole web application


This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update guacamole-ext' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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