Fedora 20 Update: pdfbox-1.8.3-1.fc20

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Sat Dec 14 03:06:34 UTC 2013

Fedora Update Notification
2013-12-03 18:06:12

Name        : pdfbox
Product     : Fedora 20
Version     : 1.8.3
Release     : 1.fc20
URL         : http://pdfbox.apache.org/
Summary     : Java library for working with PDF documents
Description :
Apache PDFBox is an open source Java PDF library for working with PDF
documents. This project allows creation of new PDF documents, manipulation of
existing documents and the ability to extract content from documents. Apache
PDFBox also includes several command line utilities. Apache PDFBox is
published under the Apache License v2.0.

Update Information:

- Update to 1.8.3:
This is an incremental bugfix release based on the earlier 1.8.2 release. It contains a couple of fixes and small improvements.

For more details on all fixes included in this release, please refer to the following issues on the PDFBox issue tracker at


Bug Fixes

[PDFBOX-465] - invalid date formats
[PDFBOX-823] - NullPointerException in DateConverter.toISO8601(DateConverter.java:221)
[PDFBOX-837] - Wrong RevisionNumber when disabling all permissions and using 128bit encryption
[PDFBOX-1219] - org.apache.jempbox.impl.DateConverter unable to parse correct date value
[PDFBOX-1342] - Tags not fully preserved when merging PDFs.
[PDFBOX-1412] - NullPointerException when getting fields from a PDF file
[PDFBOX-1564] - Extending COSName to produce PDF/A with correct OutputIntents
[PDFBOX-1576] - StackOverflowError [COSDictionary.toString(COSDictionary.java:1418)]
[PDFBOX-1606] - NonSequentialPDFParser produces garbage text in document info
[PDFBOX-1607] - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in PDFParser
[PDFBOX-1617] - Null pointer exception
[PDFBOX-1622] - TextNormalize init not thread-safe, may lead to infinite loop
[PDFBOX-1627] - Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
[PDFBOX-1629] - Null PointerException
[PDFBOX-1630] - An interesting Exception error
[PDFBOX-1631] - Group Exception
[PDFBOX-1632] - Exception with validation
[PDFBOX-1633] - DateConverter needs to work
[PDFBOX-1638] - PDCcitt doesn't use color space
[PDFBOX-1639] - Infinite loop with PDFParser used by tika.
[PDFBOX-1643] - Check for missing validation processes does not work properly in Preflight
[PDFBOX-1653] - Fix pdfbox eating up big chunks of memory for identical CID mappings
[PDFBOX-1655] - Wasted work (or incorrect behavior) in PDCIDFontType2Font.readCIDToGIDMapping
[PDFBOX-1657] - glyph contours missing
[PDFBOX-1663] - Hello World using a TrueType font ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
[PDFBOX-1674] - Preflight doesn't correctly parse PDF if obj identifier not followed by line terminator
[PDFBOX-1681] - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Color parameter outside of expected range: Red
[PDFBOX-1692] - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
[PDFBOX-1694] - Bug in org.apache.pdfbox.io.Ascii85InputStream
[PDFBOX-1696] - Bug in org.apache.pdfbox.io.Ascii85OutputStream
[PDFBOX-1714] - Merging PDFs results in java.io.IOException: expected='R' actual='0'
[PDFBOX-1719] - NPE while signing PDF - acroform without fields
[PDFBOX-1730] - Image in PDF has extremely different colors when rendered
[PDFBOX-1735] - Convert page pdf to image
[PDFBOX-1737] - Skip whitespaces when resolving a XRef
[PDFBOX-1743] - OutOfMemoryError in fontbox
[PDFBOX-1749] - Out of memory exception when parsing TTF file
[PDFBOX-1753] - The font gets gibbrish when adding a line of text to an existing PDF with a table
[PDFBOX-1758] - Preflight doesn't report Filespec dictionary that refers (indirectly) to an EmbeddedFile entry in some cases
[PDFBOX-1764] - PDFBox takes ages to render page 2 of the attached PDF
[PDFBOX-1768] - cannot build last source code
[PDFBOX-1778] - Rounding issue in generated PDF file
[PDFBOX-1780] - previous revision is damaged after signing


[PDFBOX-1213] - Adding style information to the PDF to HTML converter
[PDFBOX-1564] - Extending COSName to produce PDF/A with correct OutputIntents
[PDFBOX-1613] - The ability to inject the time/random component into the COSWriter process to write a PDF document allows some advanced signature creation scenarios where the signature is generated on a separate server that does not hold the full PDF document.
[PDFBOX-1687] - add dispose() in pdfbox\pdmodel\PDPage.convertToImage()
[PDFBOX-1690] - Add description to embedded file
[PDFBOX-1702] - Performance improvement in PDPageContentStream.drawString
[PDFBOX-1744] - Be resilient to PDFs with missing version info
[PDFBOX-1782] - Add getMaxLength() and setMaxLength() methods to PDTextbox

New Feature

[PDFBOX-1054] - DateConverter: allow for external adding of potential date parsing formats
[PDFBOX-1766] - [PATCH] Visible Signature using PDFbox
[PDFBOX-1540] - Add XML output option to preflight

- New pcfi.jar location

* Mon Dec  2 2013 Orion Poplawski <orion at cora.nwra.com> - 1.8.3-1
- Update to 1.8.3
- New pcfi.jar location

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update pdfbox' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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