Fedora 19 Update: libreport-2.1.10-1.fc19

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Mon Dec 16 22:58:32 UTC 2013

Fedora Update Notification
2013-12-13 03:54:08

Name        : libreport
Product     : Fedora 19
Version     : 2.1.10
Release     : 1.fc19
URL         : https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/
Summary     : Generic library for reporting various problems
Description :
Libraries providing API for reporting different problems in applications
to different bug targets like Bugzilla, ftp, trac, etc...

Update Information:

This update includes a new upstream release which fixes the bugs listed. You can find other changes in the upstream description at:
- https://github.com/abrt/satyr/blob/master/NEWS
- https://github.com/abrt/abrt/commit/1dee5ab78d4a923a46c06d6a4619dd068c278688#diff-1e807c90d5bf1222db586f4a8f0a6de1R868
- https://github.com/abrt/libreport/commit/5d5c7034128723056551b285af43cc01e1e626f4#diff-71a31a3e297ea003eaf1b3a5ac3e9457R582


* Wed Dec 11 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.10-1
- bugzilla: no extra email notification on URL addition
- Make make_description() output less confusing
- Ensure 'long long unsigned' in printf format args
- make_description: add an option for URLs from reported_to
- add accountsservice into ignored words
- Put back VERBn prefixes for few logging calls
- debuginfo: fix clean_up function call
- augeas: trim spaces arround '='
- spec: add augeas-devel to build requires
- load/save configuration via augeas
- create augeas lens for libreport
- Fix typo in a string
- spec: install ureport conf file and man page
- Update reporter-ureport manual pages
- ureport: add the configuration file
- anaconda: use workflow in the report-cli event
- report-cli: add support for workflows
- wizard: do not show 'show log' expander if log is empty
- ureport: print the error response body only in verbose mode
- Load a config file from several directories
- Export EXIT_STOP_EVENT_RUN in python modules
- reporter-bugzilla: if adding to existing BZ, clearly flag comment as a dup.
- Fix a small mistake in "Use log_ family instead of VERBn log calls" commit
- ureport: implement attaching of contact email
- Do not load "always editable" files if they are HUGE. Fixes rhbz1010167.
- shorten default Bugzilla bug summary format
- Update translations
- XML parser: keep region specific translation texts
* Sat Oct 26 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.9-1
- rephrase a message for missing configuration
- ask for missing configuration instead of dying
- Client API: introduce non-iteractive mode
- spec: add systemd-devel to BuildRequires
- Use log_ family instead of VERBn log calls
- Add journald support
- Modify logging to use various logging levels
- Include hostname in mailx notification
- enable reporting to Red Hat Support tool for anaconda bugs
- bugzilla: set URL field
- fix an overflow condition in parse time fn for x32 arch
- add a short explanation of private tickets - related rhbz#1011916
- don't use popup to ask for a private ticket - related rhbz#1011916
* Fri Oct  4 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.8-1
- disable rhel/fedora workflows for anaconda
- added whitelist for sensitive data - rhbz#1009730 rhbz#896246
- ureport: always add BTHASH link to a report
- reprot-gtk: underline tab titles with sensitive information
- introduce FILENAME_EXPLOITABLE; related to abrt/abrt#703
* Wed Sep 11 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.7-1
- Fix problem_item_format() to work properly after 2038 on x32. #691
- Use proper json-c requirement in libreport-web.pc.
- abrt-cli info: even -s 10 should show one-liners. #690
- add checks for existing dumpdir items - closes #164
- Create helper functions for sha1-hashing strings. #694
- can now use custom repo filters for enabling repos, related abrt/abrt#688
- add docstrings, remove global variable - related #171
- fixed exception handling - closes #173
- added checks for locked dump directory to dd_* functions, closes #133
- fixed the symlinks handling in get_file_list abrt/abrt#686
- make the build in the the build directory to not pollute the source tree
- fixed debugInfoDownload so that it can process local repos - closes #48
- Increase text size limit from 1Mb to 8 MB. rhbz#887570.
- print warning when there is not engough free space for debuginfos, closes #170
- autogen.sh: improve dependency parser
- ignore directories without type element - rhbz#958968
- abrt_xmlrpc: increase XML_SIZE_LIMIT to 4 mbytes. rhbz#961520.
- ask user to create a private report if it contains sensitive data - rhbz#960549
- updated translation rhbz#860555
- updated transifex url
- do not leak file rhbz#997871
- in KDE session open URLs in kde-open
- report-gtk: use wrapped text for warning labels
- spec: remove abrt-screencast
- remove obsoleted abrt-screencast
- Fix create_symlink_lockfile() to not emit ENOENT when asked not to.
- do not store potentially big data in /tmp
- New public function create_symlink_lockfile()
- Resolves: #958968, #981271
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.6-2
- link with gobject libraries
- use RHTSupport in RHEL workflows
* Fri Jul 26 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.6-1
- add related packages version in emergency event
- replace functions deprecated in Gtk-3.10 with their substitutes
- fixed the bugzilla private group names rhbz#985881
- workflows: add Anaconda work flow for RHEL
- add missing manual pages for configuration files, binaries and scripts
- added options to create private bz tickets rhbz#803772
- skip the workflow selection if there is only 1 available closes #167
- added missing workflows for Fedora rhbz#866027
- spec: double up percent signs in chagelog entries
- spec: make anaconda package description more generic
- spec: install RHEL anaconda work flow
- spec: added new workflow files rhbz#866027
- spec: build only workflow subpkg relevant for host's OS
- spec: install all manual pages
- spec: install only documentation files
- spec: drop unnecessary Obsoletes and Provides
- spec: add manual pages to packages
- spec: specify all config files
- spec: replace btparser with satyr
- move non-conf XML files from /etc/libreport/ to /usr/share/libreport/
- Update satyr support, drop btparser compatibility
- fixed typo in config file related #866027
- resize the config window upon collapsing Advanced section
- rhbz: test xmlrpc env for errors in abrt_xmlrpc_call_params()
- rhbz: test rhbz_new_bug() return value for errors
- wizard: show accurate messages
- spec: add dependency on fros rhbz#958979
- use fros instead of hard dependency on recordmydesktop rhbz#958979
- Resolves: #965937, #973167

  [ 1 ] Bug #998066 - Missing uuid file

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update libreport' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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