Fedora 20 Update: spyder-2.2.4-1.fc20

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Wed Oct 2 06:32:31 UTC 2013

Fedora Update Notification
2013-09-26 23:14:54

Name        : spyder
Product     : Fedora 20
Version     : 2.2.4
Release     : 1.fc20
URL         : http://spyderlib.googlecode.com
Summary     : Scientific Python Development Environment
Description :
Spyder is a Python development environment with advanced editing, interactive
testing, debugging and introspection features. It is especially recommended
for scientific computing thanks to NumPy (linear algebra), SciPy (signal and
image processing), matplotlib (interactive 2D/3D plotting), MayaVi’s mlab
(interactive 3D visualization) and -of course- IPython support.

Spyder may also be used as a library providing powerful console-related PyQt4

Update Information:

== Version 2.2.4 ==

=== Bug fixes (since v2.2.3) ===

* Issue 347 Matplotlib hangs on Mac if using PySide
* Issue 1265 Create a Debug menu to easily show how to set breakpoints
* Issue 1489 Project Explorer does not load all projects in workspace.
* Issue 1516 Make Spyder compatible with both IPython 0.13 and 1.0
* Issue 1531 Pyflakes version check is looking for 0.5.0 only
* Issue 1539 /tmp/spyder is owned by the first user on the server to launch spyder

=== Other Changes (since v2.2.3) ===

* Make Spyder compatible with SymPy 0.7.3+
* Add shortcuts to the tooltips of all toolbars
* Make IPython Console work better if Matplotlib is not installed


== Version 2.2.3 ==

=== Bug fixes (since v2.2.2) ===

* Issue 634 Debugging: Lingering break points
* Issue 639 Project Explorer: horizontal size issue (added an optional horizontal scrollbar. This option may be enabled/disabled in the widget context menu)
* Issue 749 Outline Explorer: Duplicate entries
* Issue 852 Implement matlab-like cell features
* Issue 1388 Add an "About Spyder dependencies" dialog box
* Issue 1438 "runfile" doesn't work correctly if unicode_literals has been imported (replaced backslashes by slashes in paths)
* Issue 1515 Add an option to use the same interpreter Spyder is running on as "Python executable" for external consoles
* Issue 1522 licenses of the images (especially the .png)
* Issue 1526 Build script (setup.py) includes the wrong version of pyflakes/rope in Windows installer
* Issue 1527 please include the LICENSE file in the source package

=== Other Changes (since v2.2.2) ===

* New "Run selection" (F9), "Run cell" (Ctrl+Enter) and "Run cell and advance" (Shift+Enter) actions in "Run" menu entry, as a replacement to the old "Run selection or block" and "Run block and advance" actions.
* Added "Optional Dependencies" dialog box in "?" menu.
* Editor: added Monokai and Zenburn syntax coloring schemes.
* Keyboard shortcuts: removing deprecated shortcuts at startup. Otherwise, when renaming the name of a registered shortcut (in the code), the old shortcut will stay in Spyder configuration file and opening the Preferences dialog will show a shortcut conflict dialog box. In other words, shortcuts were added to configuration file when registered but never removed if they were removed from the registered shortcuts in the code (or if their context or name was renamed).
* External console tabs: fixed history browsing with Ctrl+Tab and added Shift+Ctrl+Tab support.
* Preferences>Console>Advanced: new option to switch between the default Python executable (i.e. the one used to run Spyder itself) and the custom Python executable that the user may choose freely. This change avoid side-effects when switching from a Python distribution to another on the same OS (with the same Spyder configuration file): many users do not change the Python executable and because of the way it was written in externalconsole.py, changing from a distribution of Python to another with the same Spyder config file could lead to an unexpected configuration (Spyder is executed with the new interpreter but scripts inside Spyder are executed with the old interpreter).
* Run Icons: removed deprecated images, updated other images to the new design
* setup.py/Windows installers: now building CHM documentation for Windows
* SPYDER_DEBUG environment variable now supports 3 levels of debug mode:
* SPYDER_DEBUG=0 or False: debug mode is off
* SPYDER_DEBUG=1 or True: debug level 1 is on (internal console is disconnected)
* SPYDER_DEBUG=2: debug level 2 is on (+ logging coms with external Python processes)
* SPYDER_DEBUG=3: debug level 3 is on (+ enabling -v option in external Python processes and debugging editor)

  [ 1 ] Bug #1010935 - spyder-2.2.4 is available
  [ 2 ] Bug #1010568 - Spyder fails to start and ends with EOFError

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update spyder' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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