Fedora 19 Update: abrt-2.1.7-1.fc19

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Sun Sep 15 00:56:13 UTC 2013

Fedora Update Notification
2013-09-14 01:01:55

Name        : abrt
Product     : Fedora 19
Version     : 2.1.7
Release     : 1.fc19
URL         : https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/
Summary     : Automatic bug detection and reporting tool
Description :
abrt is a tool to help users to detect defects in applications and
to create a bug report with all information needed by maintainer to fix it.
It uses  plugin system to extend its functionality.

Update Information:

This update includes a new upstream release which fixes the bugs listed. You can find other changes in the upstream description at: 
- https://github.com/abrt/satyr/blob/master/NEWS
- https://github.com/abrt/abrt/commit/24ec83528c100e8bb57426344a718c3e32f7cf92
- https://github.com/abrt/libreport/commit/62b7bc586fc9d3a0b9bacb2d76cdaab44f8fee64
- https://github.com/abrt/gnome-abrt/commit/874c2d65af4c7876dc1a7023b22fd72b805d9edc

* Wed Sep 11 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.7-1
- fix debuginfo installer expecting user input from a pipe - closes #696
- add environment variable whitelist to debuginfo install wrapper - closes #692
- add repo_pattern argument as a custom repository filter - closes #688
- abrt-cli list: replace "@" prefix by "id " prefix
- fix a crash in 'abrt-cli info' when short id isn't found
- Use common string-to-sha1_hash functions. #694
- doc: update OpenGPGCheck in a-a-save-package-data rhbz#997922
- abrt-cli report: accept sha1 hashes of directory names. #693
- abrt-dump-oops: emit a message if throttling for a significant period of time
- abrt-gdb-exploitable: print current instruction
- spec: posttrans scriptlet regenerating core_backtraces
- abrt-handle-event: add check for missing crash thread
- provide tmpfiles.d configuration
- abrt-cli list: use sha1 hash as short ids instead of @N thing. rhbz#906733
- vmcore: fail gracefully if dump_dir is not accessible
- spec: vmcore: require kexec-tools
- vmcore: use re.MULTILINE instead of numerical value
- vmcore: don't fail if /etc/kdump.conf is not readable
- abrt-cli info: add "-s SIZE" option. closes #689
- fix noninteractive mode in debuginfo installer - rhbz#737066
- fixed the gpg keys loading - closes #686
- Fix type of OPT_BOOL's referenced flag variable - it must be int, not bool!
- adds a kdump.conf parser to get the correct dump dir location, closes #640
- xorg_event.conf: use abrt-action-list-dsos to create dso_list
- abrt-action-list-dsos: extend it to be able to parse Xorg backtrace.
- don't require debuginfo for vmcore analysis rhbz#768389
- specfile: make addon-pstoreoops obsolete addon-uefioops
- abrt-dump-oops: add -t option which slows down problem creation. rhbz#902398.
- rename uefioops to pstoreoops rhbz#949721
- spec: create type element for problem dirs where it doesn't exist - rhbz#958968
- introduce abrt-upload-watch
- fix ccpp hook to create the type element - closes #682
- specfile: use systemd-rpm macros. rhbz#850019
- abrt-harvest-vmcore: notify new path - #657
- abrt-dump-oops: remove redundant g_list_length() call, make messages clearer
- updated translation - rhbz#860555
- updated transifex url
- GUI config: add Close/Defaults button
- GUI config: hide option descriptions in tool tips
- GUI config: add Silent shortened reporting support
- applet: silent shortened reporting
- applet: less misleading label for Ignore button
- abrt-handle-upload: switch from shell to python; send socket notification. #657
- spec: add build requires for XSMP depencies
- applet: update seen list when X Session dies
- improved the error messages in abrt-server - closes #679
- fix typo in abrt-config-widget.ui
- spec: add new packages abrt-gui-libs and abrt-gui-devel
- delete desktop file for system-config-abrt
- expose abrt configuration GUI in public API
- rewrite abrt-harvest-uefioops to python - closes #678
- spec: abrt-python is no longer noarch - related #677
- created python binding for notify_new_path - closes #677
- spec: install applet's desktop file to system dir
- applet: configure notification source
- rewrite shell script for moving vmcores into python closes #676
- abrtd: ensure that the dump location directory exists
- a-a-ureport: generate core_backtrace only for CCpp problems
- do not store potentially big data in /tmp
- abrt-dbus: send new problem notify signal to socket
- abrtd: remove "post-create" machinery. Related to #657
- Avoid leaving stale rpmdb locks behind (rhbz#918184)
- abrtd: improve parsing of pidfile in create_pidfile()
- abrt-dump-{oops,xorg}: send new problem notify signal to socket
- abrtd: disable inotify watch on DUMP_LOC
- abrt-hook-ccpp: send "POST /creation_notification" after creating problem dir
- Stop dying in check_free_space(); rename it to low_free_space()
- abrt-server: make create_problem_dir() run "post-create"
- abrt-handle-event: create DUMP_LOC/post-create.lock when running "post-create"
- abrt-server: add support for "POST /creation_notification"
- abrt-handle-event: free more of allocated data
- Resolves: #880694, #895745, #906733, #949721, #953927, #960549, #961520, #967644, #990208, #993591, #993592
* Tue Aug  6 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.6-3
- try to generate core_backtrace only for CCpp problems
- Resolves: #993630
* Mon Jul 29 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.6-2
- disable gcc unused-typedef warning for GLib
- use right dependencies for RHEL
* Fri Jul 26 2013 Jakub Filak <jfilak at redhat.com> 2.1.6-1
- replace functions deprecated in Gtk-3.10 with their substitutes
- integrate with satyr, drop btparser
- use absolute path in python shebang rhzb#987010
- abrt-action-save-package-data: properly close rpm database. Closes #674.
- abrt-action-save-package-data: fix handling of ProcessUnpackaged on scripts
- abrt-action-save-package-data manpage: typo fix
- change /var/spool/abrt/ to /var/tmp/abrt in doc rhbz#912750
- Fix RPMdiff warnings about abrtd and abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache
- specfile: add dependency on abrt-libs to abrt-addon-uefioops
- stop using the hardcoded event list, use workflows instead rhbz#866027
- retrace-client: build correct release for Fedora Rawhide
- spec: drop unnecessary Obsoletes and Provides
- correct FSF address in python exception hook
- add missing manual pages for binaries and scripts
- fix rpmlint issues in the spec file
- move event option XML files to /usr/share/libreport/
- abrt-hook-ccpp: always fall back to creating user core.
- dbus: add GetForeignProblems method
- the system tray icon opens recently detected problem
- add gdb python plugin which analyzes coredump for vulnerability
- applet: stop saving configuration at exit
- introduce system-config-abrt
- abrt-cli status: make the output more natural
- Fix wrong path in shell include
- abrt-dump-xorg: save "type=xorg" along with "analyzer=xorg"
- Update python hook to use fixed socket interface
- abrt-server: updates/fixes for future rasdaemon needs
- Resolves: #988165

  [ 1 ] Bug #880694 - save dso_list for Xorg crashes
  [ 2 ] Bug #895745 - Failure to properly resize window
  [ 3 ] Bug #906733 - [RFE]: abrt-cli should use numbered identifiers for directories
  [ 4 ] Bug #949721 - Convert UEFI boot failure data from /sys/fs/pstore to abrt problem data
  [ 5 ] Bug #953927 - ABRT should stop spamming me with notifications about automatically reported problems
  [ 6 ] Bug #960549 - [RFE] Add option to submit private bugs
  [ 7 ] Bug #961520 - fatal: unable to make sense of XML-RPC response from server. XML-RPC response too large.
  [ 8 ] Bug #967644 - SELinux is preventing /usr/bin/bash from 'read' accesses on the directory /sys/fs/pstore.
  [ 9 ] Bug #990208 - abrt should not use /tmp for archive creation or other file operations
  [ 10 ] Bug #993591 - Two abrt icons in app menu is confusing
  [ 11 ] Bug #993592 - Preferences are cropped on smaller displays
  [ 12 ] Bug #958968 - Trying to report older crashes results in "Error: no processing is specified for event 'report-cli'" with libreport 2.1.3 / 2.1.4
  [ 13 ] Bug #981271 - In KDE, clicking a link in libreport-gtk opens Firefox instead of default browser
  [ 14 ] Bug #994749 - ABRT Fails to Open
  [ 15 ] Bug #995337 - [abrt] gnome-abrt-0.3.0-3.fc19: problems.py:160:__getitem__:TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number
  [ 16 ] Bug #995868 - [abrt] gnome-abrt-0.3.0-3.fc19: controller.py:71:_run_event_on_problem:OSError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable
  [ 17 ] Bug #1005472 - [abrt] gnome-abrt-0.3.0-3.fc19: views.py:498:_reload_problems:AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_iter_first'

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update abrt' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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