Fedora 19 Update: RemoteBox-1.7-1.fc19

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Sun Feb 16 23:24:36 UTC 2014

Fedora Update Notification
2014-02-08 04:05:22

Name        : RemoteBox
Product     : Fedora 19
Version     : 1.7
Release     : 1.fc19
URL         : http://knobgoblin.org.uk
Summary     : Open Source VirtualBox Client with Remote Management
Description :
VirtualBox is traditionally considered to be a virtualization solution aimed
at the desktop as opposed to other solutions such as KVM, Xen and VMWare ESX
which are considered more server oriented solutions. While it is certainly
possible to install VirtualBox on a server, it offers few remote management
features beyond using the vboxmanage command line. RemoteBox aims to fill
this gap by providing a graphical VirtualBox client which is able to
communicate with and manage a VirtualBox server installation.

RemoteBox achieves this by using the vboxwebsrv feature of VirtualBox that
allows its API to be accessed using a protocol called SOAP, even across a
network. RemoteBox is very similar in look and feel to the native VirtualBox
interface and allows you to perform most of the same tasks, including
accessing the display of guests – completely remotely.

Update Information:

1.7 (30 Jan 2014)

- Added Video Capture support for the guest's display
- FreeRDP (aka xfreerdp) is now the default and recommended RDP client. If you
  used rdesktop previously, your preferences will follow however you can update
  your preferences if you desire. Go to File->RemoteBox Preferences and under
  RDP client, change it to:
  xfreerdp -g %Xx%Y --plugin cliprdr --plugin rdpsnd -T "%n - RemoteBox" %h:%p
  NOTE: You may need to install the freerdp package for your operating system.
- Added additional substitutions for use with the RDP Client preference. These
    %X - The Auto-Hint Resolution width
    %Y - The Auto-Hint Resolution height
    %D - The Auto-Hint Resolution depth
  These can be used for specifying desired resolutions with your RDP client.
- Fixed a bug where cached information (which was potentially invalid) was
  not flushed completely across a new connection to a server
- Fixed a guest cloning bug where the machine reference was being used before
  the guest was fully cloned, causing GUI deadlock until the clone had
- Fixed adding a host only network interfaces where the new interface would not
  immediately show up. Primarily only affected windows hosts
- Fixed a bug preventing logging in when using Perl 5.18
  (Fedora 20, OpenSUSE 13.1, NetBSD 6, FreeBSD etc)
- Improved remote file path handling across disparate operating systems (again)
- Improved remote file dialogs
- Improved progress dialogs. They show time remaining where available and can
  be cancelled where VirtualBox allows.
- Spin boxes now accept case insensitive unit qualifiers where applicable:
  (eg MB, GB, TB) for specifying memory and disk sizes
  (eg ms, secs, mins) for specifying time
- Worked around a bug where VirtualBox strips the leading path of a location
  on a reload when a double / is found in the path. This could cause disks to
  be inaccessible (due to incorrect path) when VirtualBox is reloaded.
- Various GUI tweaks

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update RemoteBox' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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