Fedora 20 Update: dovecot-2.2.9-1.fc20

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Fri Jan 3 23:22:58 UTC 2014

Fedora Update Notification
2013-11-26 17:42:58

Name        : dovecot
Product     : Fedora 20
Version     : 2.2.9
Release     : 1.fc20
URL         : http://www.dovecot.org/
Summary     : Secure imap and pop3 server
Description :
Dovecot is an IMAP server for Linux/UNIX-like systems, written with security
primarily in mind.  It also contains a small POP3 server.  It supports mail
in either of maildir or mbox formats.

The SQL drivers and authentication plug-ins are in their subpackages.

Update Information:

* Full text search indexing can now be done automatically after saving/copying mails by setting plugin { fts_autoindex=yes }
* replicator: Added replication_dsync_parameters setting to pass "doveadm sync" parameters (for controlling what to replicate).
* Added mail-filter plugin
* Added liblzma/xz support (zlib_save=xz)
* improved cache file handling exposed several old bugs related to fetching mail headers.
* iostream handling changes were causing some connections to be disconnected before flushing their output (e.g. POP3 logout message wasn't being sent)

* Mon Nov 25 2013 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.2.9-1
- improved cache file handling exposed several old bugs related to fetching 
  mail headers.
- iostream handling changes were causing some connections to be disconnected
  before flushing their output
* Wed Nov 20 2013 Michal Hlavinka <mhlavink at redhat.com> - 1:2.2.8-1
- Fixed infinite loop in message parsing if message ends with
  "--boundary" and CR (without LF). Messages saved via SMTP/LMTP can't
  trigger this, because messages must end with an "LF.". A user could
  trigger this for him/herself though.
- lmtp: Client was sometimes disconnected before all the output was
  sent to it.
- replicator: Database wasn't being exported to disk every 15 minutes
  as it should have. Instead it was being imported, causing "doveadm
  replicator remove" commands to not work very well.

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update dovecot' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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