Fedora 23 Update: calamares-1.1.2-1.fc23

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Tue Aug 25 16:21:13 UTC 2015

Fedora Update Notification
2015-08-25 16:06:03.153331

Name        : calamares
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 1.1.2
Release     : 1.fc23
URL         : http://calamares.io/
Summary     : Installer from a live CD/DVD/USB to disk
Description :
Calamares is a distribution-independent installer framework, designed to install
from a live CD/DVD/USB environment to a hard disk. It includes a graphical
installation program based on Qt 5. This package includes the Calamares
framework and the required configuration files to produce a working replacement
for Anaconda's liveinst.

Update Information:

An update of Calamares to the latest upstream release, version 1.1.2, including
several bugfixes and minor user interface improvements.  Changes between the
20150502 snapshot previously in Fedora and 1.1-RC1:  * The slide show can now be
translated. The example slide show shipped in this package now has translations
in French, German and Italian. * SSD detection was fixed for MMC devices. *
Support for some additional window managers (budgie, pantheon, i3) was added to
the displaymanager module. * The greeting and prepare modules were merged into a
welcome module, with some additional cosmetic improvements. * The partitioning
step now passes -F to mkfs.ext2 to force recreation of ext2/3/4 filesystems
(when formatting them). * Two undefined "%2" substitutions in the partition
module were fixed. * The EFI system partition is now handled correctly by
automatic partitioning. * A bug which prevented logical partition creation was
fixed. * The check for available RAM was made more reliable. * Calamares now
verifies that it is being run with root privileges (as required). * The
automatic partitioning now creates a swap partition by default.  Changes between
1.1-RC1 and 1.1-RC2:  * Fixed issue with Boost.Python built against Python 3 not
being found on Fedora or Debian (due to a previous change in 1.1-RC1 that made
it work on Gentoo) * Fixed issue which caused Calamares to crash on systems with
LVM: The ClearMountsJob now also unmounts LVM2 volumes. In particular, this
should fix installing over an existing Anaconda installation. * Added support
for not setting the root password in the Users module (an option in users.conf)
* Fixed build with GCC 4.8.4 (does not affect Fedora) * The Gummiboot support
(not enabled by default in our packaging, the bootloader to use is a setting in
bootloader.conf) was changed to use bootctl from systemd. This makes it also
work with systemd-boot, the new replacement for Gummiboot. (bootctl is also
available and uses Gummiboot on Fedora 21 and 22.) The name of the setting's
value was also changed from "gummiboot" to "systemd-boot". * Improved job status
messages while installing * Updated translation languages * Improved
documentation  Changes between 1.1-RC2 and 1.1-RC3:  * Fixed several memory
leaks and other minor issues detected by static code analysis. * Fixed a GDM
auto-login issue. * Fixed an issue with zram, loop and possibly other unusable
devices not being filtered out in the Partition module. * Updated the display
manager module to work with latest Cinnamon. * Refactored the left side tasks
tree interface into a flat list. * Multiple layout improvements in the Welcome
page. * Added a brandable welcome picture in the Welcome page. * Fixed an issue
with swap partitions not being cleared after an unresumed suspend to disk by
another operating system, causing a failed resume attempt after installing.
Changes between 1.1-RC3 and 1.1:  * Fixed some more potential nullptr
dereferences (segfaults) detected by static analysis. * Added an
ensureSuspendToDisk option to partition.conf: If true (the default), ensures (as
before) that an autogenerated swap partition is big enough for hibernation. If
false, uses new swap size heuristics that try to match Anaconda and Thus.
Changes between 1.1 and 1.1.1:  * Adjusted the Install page so that the QML
slideshow is loaded and started exactly when the install operation starts. *
Fixed a bug that prevented the exit confirmation dialog to pop up in some rare
cases. * Fixed an issue with the next button being disabled if the root password
field is also disabled in the Users page (CAL-248). * Fixed an issue which could
result in the wrong mount point being set for a swap partition (CAL-249). *
Improved defaults and documentation in settings.conf.  Changes between 1.1.1 and
1.1.2:  * Improved window size calculation on small displays. * Added the option
of not installing a boot loader on MBR (legacy BIOS boot) systems. * Added the
option of changing the file system type when editing a partition. * Fixed an
issue which sometimes allowed Calamares to try to mount certain non-mountable
file systems. * Fixed an issue with the time zone choice not being immediately
applied in some cases. * Fixed a crash which could sometimes happen when
advancing through the installer with the diagnostics interface open.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1246955 - calamares-1.1.2 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update calamares' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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