Fedora 22 Update: dislocker-0.4.1-1.fc22

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Fedora Update Notification
2015-06-01 11:04:44

Name        : dislocker
Product     : Fedora 22
Version     : 0.4.1
Release     : 1.fc22
URL         : https://github.com/Aorimn/dislocker
Summary     : Utility to access BitLocker encrypted volumes
Description :
Dislocker has been designed to read BitLocker encrypted partitions ("drives")
under a Linux system. The driver used to only read volumes encrypted under a
Microsoft Windows 7 system - but is now Microsoft Windows Vista and 8 capable
and has the write functionality.

The file name where the BitLocker encrypted partition will be decrypted needs
to be given. This may take a long time, depending on the size of the encrypted
partition. But afterward, once the partition is decrypted, the access to the
NTFS partition will be faster than with FUSE. Another thing to think about is
the size of the disk (same size as the volume that is tried to be decrypted).
Nevertheless, once the partition is decrypted, the file can be mounted as any
NTFS partition and won't have any link to the original BitLocker partition.

Update Information:

dislocker 0.4.1

This version is only used to update dislocker's brew file for OSX users to be able to download v0.4. If you're not an OSX user, you can use either v0.4 or v0.4.1, this won't make any difference.

dislocker 0.4


 - Installation process is now ok;
 - Various crashes have been fixed;
 - Some minor display errors have been fixed.

Features improvement

 - Adding of the write capability on some Windows 8 encrypted volumes;
 - Stealth password and recovery key in `ps' output;
 - Adding `--stateok' argument to tell dislocker not to check for the BitLocker volume state - as in 'partially decrypted', 'partially encrypted', and so on: One can read partially encrypted volumes now!

Notable changes

 - A brew file is now available for OSX users;
 - The embedded PolarSSL library has been removed, due to licensing problems when packaging, so users need to install PolarSSL on their own now - see INSTALL.txt for hints on how to do it;
 - The core part is now a library - dynamic shared object or dynamic library, depending on the OS - and four binaries are now using this library. The library is not yet for use by other developers, its interface is not well enough defined yet. The NOTE part of the README.txt/INSTALL.txt files lists these binaries.


 - Support added for FreeBSD.

* Sat May 30 2015 Robert Scheck <robert at fedoraproject.org> 0.4.1-1
- Upgrade to 0.4.1

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use
su -c 'yum update dislocker' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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