Fedora 22 Update: zmap-2.1.0-1.fc22

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Fri Sep 18 20:55:35 UTC 2015

Fedora Update Notification
2015-09-18 18:09:49.146905

Name        : zmap
Product     : Fedora 22
Version     : 2.1.0
Release     : 1.fc22
URL         : https://zmap.io
Summary     : Network scanner for Internet-wide network studies
Description :
ZMap is an open-source network scanner that enables researchers to easily
perform Internet-wide network studies. With a single machine and a well
provisioned network uplink, ZMap is capable of performing a complete scan of
the IPv4 address space in under 45 minutes, approaching the theoretical limit
of gigabit Ethernet.

ZMap can be used to study protocol adoption over time, monitor service
availability, and help us better understand large systems distributed across
the Internet.

========== WARNING ==========
While ZMap is a powerful tool for researchers, please keep in mind that by
running ZMap, you are potentially scanning the ENTIRE IPv4 address space and
some users may not appreciate your scanning. We encourage ZMap users to
respect requests to stop scanning and to exclude these networks from ongoing

Update Information:

# 2.1.0 2015-09-02  ## BUGFIX * ZMap now filters out packets that are from the
local MAC instead of only capturing packets from the local gateway. The prior
approach caused valid responses to be dropped for a fair number of users. * ZMap
would somtimes segfault if the number of threads was greater than the number of
destination hosts. * ZMap did not crash when it was unable to write to the
output file. This would cause ZMap to continue running when it was piped into
another application and that application died. We not log_fatal if the output is
no longer accessible per ferror. * Pcap filter captures outgoing packets. *
Install overwrites blacklist file. * Output is sometimes colored. * Use correct
email for Zakir in AUTHORS. * Random-number generator is now thread safe. *
Finding a generator would crash with low probability.  ## CHANGED * JSON output
uses underscores instead of hyphens. * Removes support for deprecated
simple_file and extended_file options. * Rename redis module to redis-packed. *
Probe module API takes user data argument. * Output to `stdout` by default. *
Remove space in csv output header. * Build with JSON support by default. * Don't
print blacklisted CIDR blocks to log. These are available in `--metadata-file`
and end up flooding the log with a ton of metadata. * Remove type field from
json output module and get rid of header. * Remove `--summary`. This has been
replaced by `--metadata-file`. * JSON metadata now uses ISO-8601 compatible
timestamps instead of proprietary log format. * Remove buggy and never
officially-released DNS probe module. * Add icmp-echo-time probe module for
measuring RTT MongoDB output module.  ## FEATURE * zblacklist (a standalone
utility that allows you to efficiently check IP addresses against a zmap
compatible whitelist and blacklist. This is helpful if you are doing something
like ```cat list-of-ips | zgrab``` and to make sure that you're still following
your blacklist. * ztee (a standalone utility that buffers between ZMap and
ZGrab) and allows extracting just IP address from a larger ZMap output in order
to complete follow up handshakes without losing any data. * Ntp probe module. *
Status-updates-file (monitor output as a csv). * Add redis-csv output module. *
Colored log output. * Add pf_ring and 10GigE support. * Optional app-success
field output in monitor.  **Fedora package is not built with mongoDB support due
to missing mongo-c-driver.**

  [ 1 ] Bug #1221651 - Don't ship .gitignore
  [ 2 ] Bug #1229511 - zmap-v2.1.0 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update zmap' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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