Fedora 22 Update: php-nette-reflection-2.3.2-1.fc22

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Tue Apr 26 21:23:58 UTC 2016

Fedora Update Notification
2016-04-26 16:44:25.072282

Name        : php-nette-reflection
Product     : Fedora 22
Version     : 2.3.2
Release     : 1.fc22
URL         : https://github.com/nette/reflection
Summary     : Nette PHP Reflection Component
Description :
If you need to find every information about any class, reflection is the
right tool to do it. You can easily find out which methods does any class
have, what parameters do those methods accept, etc.

Nette\Object simplifies access to class' self-reflection with method
getReflection(), returning a Nette\Reflection\ClassType object.

To use this library, you just have to add, in your project:
  require_once '/usr/share/php/Nette/Reflection/autoload.php';

Update Information:

**Nette Framework version 2.3.10**  *    composer.json: relaxed dependencies to
~2.3.x *    Http\RequestFactory: Fixed possible remoteAddr spoofing (issue
nette/http#87) *    PresenterFactory: added possibility to configure mapping via
array *    Presenter: isLinkCurrent is compatible with PHP 7 typehints *
RouteList: added warmupCache() *    JsonResponse: sends utf-8 charset *
DI\ContainerBuilder: unused parameters check when generating factory *
DI\Compiler: support for removing services via 'name: no' *    Mail\Message:
improved regexp for seaching embedded images *    SafeStream: unregister
protocols in cleaner way *    Html::__toString() prints better error message *
Latte: exception 'Template is not valid UTF-8 stream' provides line number *
Latte: supports PHP 7 coalesce operator *    Tracy\Bar: added CPU usage to info
panel *    TracyExtension: added option 'showBar'  ---  **Application 2.3.12**
*    PresenterFactory: added possibility to configure mapping via array; thanks
@achse #101 #119 *    Presenter: isLinkCurrent is compatible with PHP 7
typehints #126 *    RouteList: added warmupCache() *    JsonResponse: sends
utf-8 charset #120 *    RoutingPanel: fixed displaying of empty mask ''  ---
**Di 2.3.10**  *    PhpReflection::expandClassName() added support for @return
$this *    ContainerBuilder: unused parameters check when generating factory *
Compiler: support for removing services via 'name: no' *
PhpReflection::parseUseStatemenets(): class in use can contain leading \ #97 *
ContainerPanel: ob_start() is protected against flush when error occurs  ---
**Http 2.3.6**  *    RequestFactory: Fixed possible remoteAddr spoofing (issue
#87) *    SessionPanel: ob_start() is protected against flush when error occurs
---  **Mail 2.3.5**  *    Message: improved regexp for seaching embedded images
#25  ---  **Reflection 2.3.2**  *    AnnotationsParser::parsePhp() Return also
classes without annotations *    Method: self replaced with static  ---  **Safe-
stream 2.3.2**  *    SafeStream: unregister protocols in cleaner way #6  ---
**Utils 2.3.8**  *    ArrayHash: fixed bug in ArrayIterator #103 *
Html::__toString() prints better error message *    Image: ob_start() is
protected to be not flushable  ---  **Tester 1.7.1**  *    Tester itself is
tested on AppVeyor (Windows CI) *    Dumper     *    dumpException() stores
strings when maxLength is exceeded     *    dumpException() improved searching
for Assert method invocation     *    Dumper::color() uses simple color escape
codes (AppVeyor compatibility) *    Environment: removes output buffers on
shutdown before error message is print *    Assert::error() fixed that
restore_error_handler() isn't working when called from the error handler which
throws exception *    FileMock: read/write modes behave more like ordinary
filesystem  ---  **Latte 2.3.10**  *    Engine: reverted "throws
CompileException when template contains parse error" *    BlockMacros: store
includingBlock flag in the template global storage when including file using
includeblock macro *    Parser: exception 'Template is not valid UTF-8 stream'
provides line number *    MacroTokens: added null coalesce operator; PhpWriter:
quoteFilter recognizes null coalesce operator *    ob_start() is protected
against flush when error occurs  ---  **Tracy 2.3.11**  *    Debugger: flushes
(not cleans) output buffers before Bar is rendered *    Bar: added CPU usage to
info panel #144 *    Dumper: fix possible E_NOTICE #141 *    TracyExtension:
added option 'showBar' *    ob_start() is protected against flush when error

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update php-nette-reflection' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

All packages are signed with the Fedora Project GPG key.  More details on the
GPG keys used by the Fedora Project can be found at

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