Fedora 23 Update: mkvtoolnix-8.8.0-1.fc23

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Sun Jan 24 03:36:57 UTC 2016

Fedora Update Notification
2016-01-23 22:27:57.584074

Name        : mkvtoolnix
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 8.8.0
Release     : 1.fc23
URL         : https://mkvtoolnix.download/
Summary     : Matroska container manipulation utilities
Description :
Mkvtoolnix is a set of utilities to mux and demux audio, video and subtitle
streams into and from Matroska containers.

Update Information:

* MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ" enhancement: added a button for
executing the program right now as a test run. See #1570. * MKVToolNix GUI: "run
program after XYZ" enhancement: an error message is shown if the program
couldn't be executed. See #1570. * MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after XYZ"
enhancement: any leading spaces in the executable path are removed in order to
make copying & pasting less error-prone. * MKVToolNix GUI: "run program after
XYZ" bug fix: the paths used in the variables and the executable are converted
to the platforms native path separators. This fixes compatibility with Windows
applications that don't support the use of forward slashes in path names like
e.g. VLC. See #1570. * mkvpropedit: enhancement: mkvpropedit will accept
terminology variants of ISO 639-2 language codes and convert them to the
bibliographic variants automatically. Implements #1565. * MKVToolNix GUI:
enhancement: the GUI's default font's size is now scaled with the screen's DPI
and is at least 9 points high (up from 8). Additionally on Windows "Segoe UI",
which is Windows' default user interface font, is used instead of the default
provided by Qt, "MS Shell Dlg 2". * MKVToolNix GUI: enhancement: the user can
select the font family and size for the GUI in the preferences. * mkvmerge: bug
fix: fixed TrueHD detection both as raw streams as well as inside other contains
if the stream does not start with a TrueHD sync frame. * MKVToolNix GUI: new
merge tool feature: added a layout for the track properties where they're on the
right of the files/tracks lists in two fixed columns. Implements #1526. *
mkvmerge: bug fix: fixed a mis-detection of an MPEG-2 video elementary stream as
a TrueHD file which then caused a segmentation fault. Fixes #1559. * mkvmerge:
bug fix: Matroska attachments with the same name, size and MIME type were not
output during file identification. * MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool enhancement:
added a column to the "attachments" tab containing the file size. * MKVToolNix
GUI: enhancement: pressing the insert key when the focus is on the merge tool's
source files or attachments list, on the chapter editor's chapter list or on the
header editor's list will invoke the corresponding action for adding elements to
that list. * MKVToolNix GUI: merge tool bug fix: when using one of the "select
all tracks (of type…)" actions the "properties" column didn't show the
selection. * MKVToolNix GUI: new feature: implemented adding, changing and
removing attachments in existing Matroska files as part of the header editor.
Implements #1533.

  [ 1 ] Bug #1297196 - mkvtoolnix-8.8.0 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update mkvtoolnix' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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