Fedora 23 Update: php-scssphp-0.4.0-1.fc23

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Sat Jan 30 18:28:47 UTC 2016

Fedora Update Notification
2016-01-30 14:54:08.581533

Name        : php-scssphp
Product     : Fedora 23
Version     : 0.4.0
Release     : 1.fc23
URL         : http://leafo.github.io/scssphp
Summary     : A compiler for SCSS written in PHP
Description :
SCSS (http://sass-lang.com/) is a CSS preprocessor that adds many features like
variables, mixins, imports, color manipulation, functions, and tons of other
powerful features.

The entire compiler comes in a single class file ready for including in any kind
of project in addition to a command line tool for running the compiler from the

scssphp implements SCSS. It does not implement the SASS syntax, only the SCSS

Update Information:

### v0.4.0  #### Breaking Changes:  - Parser: remove deprecated `show()` and
`to()` methods - Parser, Compiler: convert stdClass to Block, Node, and
OutputBlock abstractions - Compiler: 2nd argument passed to user registered
functions now receive kwargs instead of a Compiler instance  #### Enhancements:
- New control directives: `@break`, `@continue`, and naked `@return` - New
operator: `<=>` (spaceship) operator  #### Compatibility Fixes:  - Compiler:
`index()` - coerce first argument to list - Compiler/Parser: fix `@media` nested
in mixin - Compiler: output literal string instead of division-by-zero exception
- Compiler: `str-slice()` - handle negative index - Compiler: pass kwargs to
built-ins and user registered functions  ### v0.3.3  #### Enhancements:  -
Compiler: add `getVariables()` and `addFeature()` API methods  ####
Compatibility:  - Compiler: can pass negative indices to `nth()` and `set-nth()`
- Compiler: can pass map as args to mixin expecting varargs - Compiler: add
coerceList(map) - Compiler: improve `@at-root` support - Nested formatter:
suppress empty blocks  #### Internals:  - Parser, Compiler: refactoring
sourceParser to sourceIndex to facilitate future caching of parse tree

  [ 1 ] Bug #1274939 - php-scssphp-0.6.3 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update php-scssphp' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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