Fedora 24 Update: perl-File-Edit-Portable-1.24-1.fc24

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Sat Mar 26 18:27:54 UTC 2016

Fedora Update Notification
2016-03-26 17:52:48.852201

Name        : perl-File-Edit-Portable
Product     : Fedora 24
Version     : 1.24
Release     : 1.fc24
URL         : http://search.cpan.org/dist/File-Edit-Portable/
Summary     : Read and write files while keeping the original line-endings intact
Description :
The default behavior of perl is to read and write files using the
Operating System's (OS) default record separator (line ending). If you open
a file on an OS where the record separators are that of another OS, things
can and do break.

Update Information:

1.24    2016-03-14  - fixed bug where recsep() was producing uninit warnings if
the file we're looking for an rs in was empty (ie. "-z $fh" is true) (closes
#35) - added new test file t/18-bug.t - cleaned up a few Critic issues   1.23
2016-03-10  - no code changes - critic.t now only runs with AUTHOR_TESTING env
var set - corrected a couple of other tests that were failing on CPAN testers
1.22    2016-03-07  - last two releases have focused primarily on reliability
and far more enhanced unit testing, with a couple new features - recsep() and
platform_recsep() can now be imported into the local namespace (non-OO) (closes
#23) - cleaned up return structure for recsep types (closes #29) - renamed
_open() to _binmode_handle() - cleanup and tidy of all test files - cleanup of
numerous unnecessary prereqs in Makefile.PL - write() now uses the correct
recsep for a file if multiple read()s are concurrently open (fixes #30) - catch
warning and die if write() is called with the 'contents' param set to a
previously closed file handle (closes #31) - read() now simply overwrites it's
data for a file if it has been read more than once prior to a write() (closes
#32) - added t/000-critic.t (closes #33) - fixed minor issues to satisfy critic
tests   1.21    2016-03-07  - write() now dies if not called with the 'file'
param and more than one file is currently open with read() (fixes #21) - write
functions for regex and hex (closes #25) - added _convert_recsep(), which
consolidates repetitive code (#25) - added 'type' param to recsep() and
platform_recsep(), returns the type of line ending (win, nix, mac, etc) (#25) -
added _recsep_regex(), returns the regex instead of having it peppered
throughout the code (#25) - added _platform_replace(), replaces file's line
endings to platform recsep (de-duplicates code) - added _strip_ends(), removes
all line endings from file (also to de-dup code) - remove all requirements/uses
of File::Spec::Function (closes #27) - implemented recsep caching (#22), but
after benchmarks, it performed worse than no cache, so backed it all out -
added/updated numerous tests for recsep() and platform_recsep() due to new
'type' param (closes #26) - update/add other new tests, and small POD

  [ 1 ] Bug #1315521 - perl-File-Edit-Portable-1.24 is available

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program. Use
su -c 'yum update perl-File-Edit-Portable' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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