[Bug 739398] Review Request: openblas - An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2

bugzilla at redhat.com bugzilla at redhat.com
Mon Dec 24 00:12:26 UTC 2012

Product: Fedora

--- Comment #18 from Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski <dominik at greysector.net> ---
Thanks, it builds on EPEL-6 fine now.

rpmlint output for rawhide build:
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: spelling-error Summary(en_US) pthreads -> threads,
p threads, threader
openblas-threads.x86_64: E: no-ldconfig-symlink
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit
/usr/lib64/libopenblasp-r0.2.5.so exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas-static.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas-devel.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas.src:136: E: hardcoded-library-path in %{buildroot}/usr/lib/libopen*
openblas.src: W: invalid-url Source0: xianyi-OpenBLAS-v0.2.5-0-gf78eb33.tar.gz
openblas-openmp.x86_64: E: no-ldconfig-symlink
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit
/usr/lib64/libopenblaso-r0.2.5.so exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit /usr/lib64/libopenblas-r0.2.5.so
exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
7 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 3 errors, 9 warnings.

ldconfig will break the libopenblas.so.0 symlink after first run. You need to
find another way to include the alternative (pthread, openmp) versions of the
library. They all have the same SONAME, so the last one which gets installed
will be pointed to by the libopenblas.so.0 symlink. In my case, it was

More interestingly, rpmlint run on installed EPEL-6 packages shows this:
openblas.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit /usr/lib64/libopenblas-r0.2.5.so
exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
openblas-openmp.x86_64: E: no-ldconfig-symlink
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit
/usr/lib64/libopenblaso-r0.2.5.so exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
/usr/lib64/libopenblaso-r0.2.5.so /usr/lib64/libgomp.so.1
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: unused-direct-shlib-dependency
/usr/lib64/libopenblaso-r0.2.5.so /lib64/libpthread.so.0
openblas-openmp.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: spelling-error Summary(en_US) pthreads -> threads,
p threads, threader
openblas-threads.x86_64: E: no-ldconfig-symlink
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: shared-lib-calls-exit
/usr/lib64/libopenblasp-r0.2.5.so exit at GLIBC_2.2.5
openblas-threads.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas-devel.x86_64: W: no-documentation
openblas-static.x86_64: W: no-documentation
5 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 2 errors, 10 warnings.

The unused-direct-shlib-dependency warnings for -openmp package are new and
warrant some investigation. Perhaps the openmp version doesn't use openmp after

Regarding the source tarball, it looks like it was created from a different
commit than the name claims:
$ tar xzf xianyi-OpenBLAS-v0.2.5-0-gf78eb33.tar.gz
$ ls -ld xianyi-OpenBLAS*
drwxr-xr-x. 12 rathann users    4096 Nov 26 10:32 xianyi-OpenBLAS-e42259c

Please identify the correct commit and follow the newly-approved guidelines for
github sources: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Spot/GitHub_Guidelines

Minor nitpicks:
1. there's some trailing whitespace in line 31
2. most of the description is repeated in each package, you could use a macro
to write out the common part in each subpackage

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