[Fedora-packaging] Java naming scheme

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Thu Jan 18 14:32:19 UTC 2007

Fernando Nasser wrote:
> Hi Toshio,

>> Spot brought the 3jpp.fc6.1 format to the packaging group which was
>> discussed and agreed as a possible temporary format.  Unfortunately,
>> 3jpp.fc6.1 doesn't work for interleaving with jpackage if jpp is
>> removed.  So we'll probably have to have another (hopefully short)
>> discussion about using 3jpp.1.fc6 & 3.1.fc6.
> Why the %{_dist} is necessary here?  Can't we just add the number?

Use of %{?dist} is/was/always-has-been optional. (:

-- Rex

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