[Fedora-packaging] Java naming scheme

Jesse Keating jkeating at redhat.com
Thu Jan 18 15:29:02 UTC 2007

On Thursday 18 January 2007 10:18, Tom 'spot' Callaway wrote:
> Well, it turns out I don't think this will be necessary:
> I started writing this up late on Tuesday:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/ExceptionJPackage

I don't see how this handles multiple Fedora releases.

This works great if you only consider jpackage as one release, and Current 
Fedora as one release.  However we DO have to consider:

           - Fedora Current
           - Fedora (Current - 1)
           - Fedora (Current - 2)

Obviously one can't use the same NVR on all three Fedora lines, so something 
has to be used to differentiate them, and allow for rebuilding something on 
Current - 1 that isn't built on Fedora Current.  (could be something as silly 
as a buildsystem bug that didn't produce all the packages.  Have to bump the 
nvr to build again)

Jesse Keating
Release Engineer: Fedora
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