[Fedora-packaging] installing an icon to the desktop?

Isaac Fischer xwaver at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 23:04:32 UTC 2011

xdg-desktop-icon can't be done in %install, without putting your .desktop
file in ~root/Desktop or whoever is building the package, because it's done
at build time. xdg-desktop-icon only works for the current user. The regular
user would have to have rights to the RPM database to install even a
subpackage with nothing but the Launcher file and macros. So, upon
reflection, that's why it can't be done at RPM install - you'd have to have
a script which examines /home/* and inserts it into all of them, which is
just flat out wrong. The xdg-desktop-icon has to be done by the user. I
imagine you could put together a user-level service in
/usr/share/gnome/autostart/ that runs a script that invokes
xdg-desktop-icon, and would re-install the icon each login, and then the
user would have to disable it if they ever wanted to be rid of the icon. A
pain to be sure.
*Isaac Fischer*

+1 (210) 775-2890
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2011/2/1 Erik Blankinship <erikb at mediamods.com>

> That covers your bases, gives the user an option, and doesn't violate any
>> standards that I can see. If a standard banning Launcher install re-emerges,
>> you won't have to do major surgery to your spec, and it will degrade
>> gracefully.
>> Does that satisfy any|everyone?
> Isaac, thank you very much for your response!
> Now I can get rpmbuild to successfully use rpmbuild with xdg-desktop-icon
> in %install... and in the process puts an icon on my desktop (*before even
> installing the rpm!*)  I am doing something wrong.  Any suggestions?
> Here is the relevant part of my spec file:
> Source1: %{name}.desktop
> BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
> BuildRequires:  gettext, python-devel, desktop-file-utils, xdg-utils
> ...
> %install
> rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
> %{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
> desktop-file-install --dir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications
> %{SOURCE1}
> xdg-desktop-icon install --novendor %{SOURCE1}
> --
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