[Fedora-packaging] About optflags

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Sat Jan 22 21:37:18 UTC 2011

>>>>> "SB" == Sergio Belkin <sebelk at gmail.com> writes:

SB> Is it allowed to override "-O2" and use instead "-O3"? I see that
SB> those flags overrides those CXXFLAGS from Makefile sources.

Of course for your personal packages you can do whatever you like.  In
Fedora, though, the answer is that you should use the provided optflags
unless you have specific justification for a change.  In order to change
-O2 to -O3 I'd want to see benchmarking and other such evidence that
indicates that the change actually makes a difference.  Otherwise it's
just a case of "adding -O99 for uber mega speedz0rs!!!11!!1one".

 - J<

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