[Fedora-packaging] games packages / manual installation

Christopher Howard christopher.howard at frigidcode.com
Sun Apr 22 03:04:00 UTC 2012

Hi. This is my first post to this list. I'm trying to create my first
RPM, and I have some questions. (I hope this is the right place!) All my
previous packaging experience is with debs, so you'll forgive me if I
compare & contrast somewhat with the Debian process.

I should note: my source package is wrapped in autotools and should be
fully compatible with the usual --configure options.

1) My package is a game; does Fedora require games to be installed in
/usr/games like some distros do? (Debian also requires them to be put in
the games group.) If so, how should I adjust the my spec file so this is
done properly?

2) I have a desktop icon file that needs to be installed, but is not
installed automatically by "make install". Should I just use the
"install" command directly in the spec file, or is there some more
proper way to go about it? Currently I have this in the spec file
(haven't actually tested it yet):

desktop-file-install \
--dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \
install -mu=rw,g=r,o=r -D gfifteen.svg \


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