[Fedora-packaging] Systemd conversion trigger question

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Sat Feb 25 21:14:32 UTC 2012

>>>>> "JN" == Jamie Nguyen <jamie at tomoyolinux.co.uk> writes:

JN> If you don't want to freeze F16 version, then you have to introduce
JN> an Epoch into the F17 package. Best to avoid Epoch whenever possible
JN> (since you introduce it forever), but in your case you can't really
JN> avoid it.

I'm struggling to understand how an epoch will help.

Obviously when updating the F16 version you'd update the F17 version as
well; there is no problem with F17>F16 version ordering.  But the
fundamental question is what happens to the version for the %triggerun?
You can't change it, can you?  But if you don't change it then now
upgrades from the updated F16 package to the updated F17 package don't
get systemd-sysv-convert run.

 - J<

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