rebuild of some perl packages

Iain Arnell iarnell at
Sat Dec 11 09:25:25 UTC 2010

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Marcela Maslanova <mmaslano at> wrote:
> Hello,
> because of bug in paths (vendorarch), there will be needed
> rebuild of some packages (~1300). I choose only those
> which weren't rebuild with vendorarch in Perl. [1]
> I've asked for testing dist tag, so nothing will be
> broken [2]. Rebuild will start next week.

Is there something in place to avoid the problems we had last time
with "older" packages from the rebuild tag overriding "newer" packages
in dist-f15 itself? And is a separate tag really necessary for this?
Perl is already looking in both core and vendor directories, so there
should be no breakage due to modules installed in the "wrong" place.

And I'm still not sure what the intended result is meant to be. Are
you planning to update all the specs to use privlib/archlib so that
everything ends up in the core directories? Or keeping
vendorlib/vendorarch and merely rebuilding to move the modules out of
the core directories again?


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