Pakaging enthought tool suite

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at
Thu Apr 10 14:53:46 UTC 2008


I am the guy who asked about packaging mayavi2 a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately I didn't realize the discussion was going on on the ML with
me following.

To pick up on the points that have been raised on the ML:

I agree that packaging the whole Enthought Tool Suite would be very nice,
and much better than shipping it in a coarse-grained set of packages, as
Debian and Ubuntu have been doing. Making 15 or so packages is more work
than making 4, but it is more value.

I, and probably Dave Perterson and many other on the enthought-dev
mailing list ( )
would be very happy to help you in this endeavour by answering any
question you have about the ETS. I do not have any experience with RPM
packaging, and do not have access to a fedora box to test, but I can try
to help with as much as I can by providing upstream knowledge and fixing
small problems upstream, if any.

I am now subscribed to this mailing list (god, another mailing list in my
already cramed mailbox, how will I ever get some work done!). Keep me
posted. I want to stress that if you don't have the time to package all
the ETS with all the different packages, a set of 4 packages is what we
settled for Debian to distribute the whole suite. Better this than no
packages, and the modularity can come later.

Keep me posted.



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