TurboGears Newbie Advice

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Thu May 15 20:47:15 UTC 2008

John Poelstra wrote:
> Any recommended books or tutorials or other good ways to get started 
> with TurboGears--beyond the tutorials at http://docs.turbogears.org/ ? 
> The book by Mark Ramm, etc. gets really mixed reviews at Amazon.
The TurboGears book has both good points and bad points.  You won't be 
sorry you own it if you have it but it isn't the end-all-be-all either.

If you use sqlalchemy instead of sqlobject, then what you need for a 
model is *very* well documented at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/.  So 
despite the fact that sqlobject is somewhat easier to use, i'd highly 
recommend sqlalchemy for this reason alone.

For tutorials, I'm not sure what's out there... I started with tg-admin 
quickstart  and then adapting the project to see what worked and what 
didn't.  I liked having good reference material when I did that -- 
sqlalchemy.org, genshi.edgewall.org, cherrypy.org, and some turbogears.org.


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