More Re: [Distutils] Compatibility of bdist_rpm with Fedora packaging instructions

Stanley A. Klein sklein at
Mon Nov 28 02:07:17 UTC 2011

I developed a fix that can byte compile only the .py files in
site-packages.  It involved creating my own version of
brp-python-bytecompile, preventing brp-python-bytecompile from running,
and running my-python-bytecompile instead.

The relevant statements in the spec file are as follows:

Before the description insert (from the Fedora packaging python page):

# Turn off the brp-python-bytecompile script
%global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e

At the end of the %install (following copying of the doc directories into
the buildroot) insert:


The code for my-python-bytecompile is simply a copy of
brp-python-bytecompile with the final section commented out.  That section
does files in directories other than site-packages.  The code is below.

Stan Klein


# If using normal root, avoid changing anything.
if [ -z "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" -o "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" = "/" ]; then
	exit 0

# If we don't have a python interpreter, avoid changing anything.
if [ ! -x "$default_python" ]; then
	exit 0

# Figure out how deep we need to descend.  We could pick an insanely high
# number and hope it's enough, but somewhere, somebody's sure to run into it.
depth=`(find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.py" -print0 ; echo /) | \
       xargs -0 -n 1 dirname | sed 's,[^/],,g' | sort -u | tail -n 1 | wc -c`
if [ -z "$depth" -o "$depth" -le "1" ]; then
	exit 0

# .pyc/.pyo files embed a "magic" value, identifying the ABI version of
# bytecode that they are for.
# The files below RPM_BUILD_ROOT could be targetting multiple versions of
# python (e.g. a single build that emits several subpackages e.g. a
# python26-foo subpackage, a python31-foo subpackage etc)
# Support this by assuming that below each /usr/lib/python$VERSION/, all
# .pyc/.pyo files are to be compiled for /usr/bin/python$VERSION.
# For example, below /usr/lib/python2.6/, we're targetting /usr/bin/python2.6
# and below /usr/lib/python3.1/, we're targetting /usr/bin/python3.1

shopt -s nullglob
for python_libdir in $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib{,64}/python[0-9].[0-9]/ ;
	python_binary=/usr/bin/$(basename $python_libdir)
	echo "Bytecompiling .py files below $python_libdir using $python_binary"

	# Generate normal (.pyc) byte-compiled files.
	$python_binary -c 'import compileall, sys; sys.exit(not
compileall.compile_dir("'"$python_libdir"'", '"$depth"',
"'"$real_libdir"'", force=1, quiet=1))'
	if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
		# One or more of the files had a syntax error
		exit 1

	# Generate optimized (.pyo) byte-compiled files.
	$python_binary -O -c 'import compileall, sys; sys.exit(not
compileall.compile_dir("'"$python_libdir"'", '"$depth"',
"'"$real_libdir"'", force=1, quiet=1))'
	if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
		# One or more of the files had a syntax error
		exit 1

# Handle other locations in the filesystem using the default python
# implementation:

# Generate normal (.pyc) byte-compiled files.
#$default_python -c 'import compileall, re, sys; sys.exit (not
compileall.compile_dir("'"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"'", '"$depth"', "/", 1,
#if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
#	# One or more of the files had a syntax error
#	exit 1
# Generate optimized (.pyo) byte-compiled files.
#$default_python -O -c 'import compileall, re, sys; sys.exit(not
compileall.compile_dir("'"$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"'", '"$depth"', "/", 1,
quiet=1))' > /dev/null
#if [ $? -ne 0 -a 0$errors_terminate -ne 0 ]; then
#	# One or more of the files had a syntax error
#	exit 1
exit 0

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