, /usr/lib or /usr/lib64, Liquid error parsing markdown

Nick Fenwick neek at
Tue May 1 05:25:30 UTC 2012

On 05/01/2012 11:47 AM, Nick Fenwick wrote:
> python-2.7.2-5.2.fc16.x86_64

It seems that because I had only the 64 bit python rpms installed, I 
didn't have the 32 bit libraries.

> ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib/

This was a hack.  Installing i686 architecture fixed my problem more 

yum install libpython.i686

Do you feel this is a dependency problem in one of the other systems 
I've installed (ruby, octopress), and their dependency on python?  
Perhaps I should move this query onto some other forum, such as rvm (the 
ruby installer, some part of which installed rubypython).  There's a 
thread at where the 
Octopress guy seems to be distancing himself from dependency management, 
which doesn't look promising if the ball's actually in his court.

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